How To Do Reverse Crunches Correctly?

How to do reverse crunch correctly


Reverse crunches are a powerhouse exercise for sculpting defined abs and strengthening your core. This blog dives into how to perform them correctly, the muscles they target, and their numerous benefits, from improving flexibility to burning belly fat. It also explores variations to maximize your ab workouts. Follow these tips and techniques to avoid back strain and achieve a toned, stable, and flexible core.

Reverse crunches are amazing when it comes to losing belly fat and sculpting a toned stomach. The exercise targets the abdominal muscles more effectively than regular crunches. Performing the exercise correctly can result in a defined stomach.

But if you screw up the routine even a tiny bit you’re going to have serious back issues. This is why it is important to get a clear and concise understanding of how to perform this exercise correctly.

Get an in-depth understanding of how to do this exercise along with the muscles it targets.

Build those defined abs with these 4 effective bodyweight ab workouts!

What Are Reverse Crunches?

How to do reverse crunch correctly

The reverse crunch is a simple core strengthening exercise that targets your visceral muscles. They tone your abs and oblique muscles while improving the stability of your spine and hips.

When you perform the reverse crunch you are putting more tension on your abdominal muscles resulting in a stronger core. The exercise gives a greater range of motion as compared to simple crunches.

Get your dream abs with reverse crunches!

How To Do Reverse Crunch Correctly?

  1. Lie flat on your back and bend your knees to 90 degrees, while planting your feet on the floor.
  2. Lay your palms face down by your side for support.
  3. Using your core, tighten your abs and lift your hips off the floor forcing your legs inwards towards your chest.
  4. Hold the position for a few seconds.
  5. Slowly lower your legs and your hips back on the floor.
  6. Your lower back should arch while you lower your legs down.
  7. Once your feet are back on the floor, start again and keep increasing the number of reverse crunches as you progress.
Don't feel comfortable with reverse crunches? Try doing flutter kicks instead!

What Are The Benefits Of Reverse Crunches?

  • Targeted Muscles: There are a number of muscles that are engaged in this exercise. Reverse crunch engages all the major abdominal muscles
  • Primary: Rectus Abdominis
  • Secondary: Obliques, Transverse Abdominis

The primary benefit of reverse crunches is that they target your lower abs, which are difficult to sculpt. In addition to this, they support and strengthen your spine and hips. They stabilize your lower back muscles and make you more flexible.

The flexibility and strength you attain through this exercise help you perform intense workouts easily and effectively. They are also beneficial for people trying to lose weight. Since they put pressure over the lower abdominal muscles, faster reduction of fat is made possible.

If you’re trying to find an exercise that gets rid of belly fat once and for all, then try incorporating them in your workout routine. They might seem a little difficult and exhausting at first, but once you get a hold of them you’re going to love them for the benefits they provide.

The Rectus Abdominis is the larger muscle that covers your abdomen. The Rectus Abdominis is responsible for the ridges you see in six-packs. The secondary muscles that are engaged in reverse crunch include Obliques and Transverse Abdominis.

The transverse abdominis is the deepest abdominal muscle. Its works to stabilize the spine and the core.

In a nutshell, the benefits of inverted crunches include:

  • Working the rectus abdominis i.e. your lower abs and giving you overall strength
  • Enhancing the support system for your hips and spine, giving you structural stability
  • Strengthening lower back muscles to lower risks of injury and pain
  • Improving the flexibility and mobility by strengthening and working your stabilizers
  • Increases muscle mass in the abdomen, helping you lose fat and get shredded
  • Boosting your metabolism and burning more for better weight loss
Ladies, if you're trying to get sculpted and earn those model-like abs, then make sure to do these 10 core exercises!

Tips & Techniques

  • Keep control of your movement by performing every exercise slowly but steadily – keep your core muscles engaged.
  • Build a mind-muscle connection on stabilizing your core throughout the exercise to fully engage the lower ab muscles.
  • Activate your core muscles in order to lift and squeeze your abs rather than swinging your legs or using your legs for lifting and movement. Work your lower abs by lifting the hips off the floor and pulling your knees into your chest.
  • Relax your neck to avoid any unnecessary strain. Make sure your spine is neutral to avoid any discomfort or pain.
Build those killer obliques with these 10 side ab exercises!

Reverse Crunch Variations

There are a number of variations that you can perform with them to make the most out of your workout sessions. Some of the variations of reverse crunch include:

1. Weighted Crunch

Weighted crunch is quite similar to a standard crunch. The only difference is that you add a little extra weight to the mix. You can start with a ten-pound medicine ball or use dumbbells of 5-10 Kgs.

How to perform?

  • To perform the weighted crunch you need to lie down flat on the floor and mimic the same position you use for simple crunches.
  • Hold the weight above your chest between your hands and move forward without lifting your legs.
  • You should feel pressure over your upper abdominal muscles.
  • Make sure you’re always holding the weight above your chest while performing this exercise.
Try these 6 at-home ab exercises to get those washboard abs!

2. Frog Crunch

A funny name for an ab workout but the frog crunch is a great exercise for improving your flexibility and strengthening your core muscles. The exercise targets all your abdominal muscles and gives you spinal stability.

How to perform?

  • To perform the frog crunch you need to be seated on the floor with your knees bent out in front of you.
  • Lean back slightly so that your torso is at 45 degrees and your shins are parallel to the floor.
  • Lift your legs towards your chest while bringing your arms inwards to hug your legs.
Pair up this workout with a 10 minute HIIT routine to burn more calories and get chiseled!

3. Side Crunch

The side crunch is an excellent exercise for targeting the obliques. They are a little more difficult than other types of crunches but are completely worth your time and energy.

How to perform?

  • To perform the side crunch take the simple crunch position with you lying flat on the floor.
  • Bend your knees like you do to perform standard crunches.
  • Drop your knees to one side and using your head and shoulders lift yourself off the floor.
  • You should feel the pressure on your obliques.
  • To have better results complete exercising on one side before targeting the other side.
  • However, it is best to avoid this exercise if you lack lower back flexibility as this exercise can strain your neck and back.
Practice these 5 daily habits to achieve those six pack abs!

4. Wide-Leg Crunches

Wide leg crunches are a great variety of standard crunches and can improve the flexibility of your hips and your back. For this exercise, you need flexibility and core strength but over time both can be built with practice.

How to perform?

  • To perform the wide-leg crunch assume the butterfly position on the floor.
  • You should be lying flat on your back with your knees bent and open towards the floor.
  • Your feet should be joined and close to your groin.
  • Use your abdominal muscles to pull your body upwards without lifting your legs.
  • Do this slowly when you start as this requires flexibility and strength.
Working out without any equipment? Try these 5 bodyweight exercises at home!

Key Takeaways

The reverse crunches can give you the summer body you have always wished for. Not only will the exercise tone and sculpt your torso, but it will also strengthen your core muscles.

Reverse crunches are also ideal for people looking to lose excess belly fat. They are quick, effective, and with this helpful guide, you can do them conveniently.

Just make sure you're pairing these exercises with other effective ab workouts such as a 10 minute plank routine as well as an intense fat-burning workout such as the battle rope workout routine to really get that toned torso!


What muscles do reverse crunches target?

Reverse crunches mainly target your lower ab muscles, which makes it an effective exercise for building core strength and toning it. This exercise also engages the obliques, transverse abs, and rectus abs. With a focus on the lower abs when doing this workout, you can improve core strength, stability, and your overall posture.

Do reverse crunches help in burning belly fat?

No exercise alone can burn your fat, especially when talking about spot reduction. This is because fat loss requires you to combine cardio exercises with strength training and consume a protein-rich, balanced diet. However, you can build lean muscle in the lower abs, which can help you get a sculpted torso, facilitating your overall fat loss goal.

Are reverse crunches good for beginners?

Yes, totally! Reverse crunches are a great exercise to add to your routine as they improve your core strength, give you a better posture, and make your hip and lower back more flexible. They also develop a visibly sculpted and toned torso, giving you the beach body you've always dreamt of!

How many reverse crunches should I do daily?

It completely depends on your fitness level and your goals. If you're just starting out, then doing 10-15 reps per set with 2-3 sets is good enough. As your body gets used to the workout and the intensity, while your stamina and strength grows, you can increase the number of reps per set or the total sets you do every day. Make sure your movements are controlled, with the right form so you get the most out of every exercise!