The Journey of Vladi Korac


You all know Vladi Korac, she is one of our SQUATWOLF athletes, and she has been with SQUATWOLF for the past year. Born in Serbia, Vladi Korac always had a close connection to fitness, and she grew in a household where fitness has always been a norm. We took an interview to understand how Vladi Korac’s journey started and how it has changed her life.

Q1. How did your journey towards fitness begin?

My dad used to be a karate trainer, so I was always into sports. At some point, I was attending karate, gymnastics and dancing classes at the same time. Eventually, I started lifting at the age of 21.


Q2. Who is your biggest inspiration throughout this journey? Any role models?

Hmm, I can't say I have one role model. I have many fitness influencers that I look up to. I take something from everyone. Booty goals from Katya, athletic skills form Karina...Here in Dubai, I love Nelita.

Q3. Have you ever had any major injury, and if so, how did you overcome it?

I broke my ankle three years ago. That was a major setback. The whole recovery process was so draining. I was doing simple bodyweight exercises when all I wanted to do is squat heavy. But it's all good now.


Q4. Here’s a fun fact, the average temperature of Serbia peaks at 23°C whereas Dubai peaks at 42°C. Why did you move to a place that is almost twice as hot as your birthplace?

I came to Dubai to work as a flight attendant, for two years, after that I started full time modeling with a social media explosion. I love winter only when I go snowboarding, meaning seven days per year, hehe Otherwise summer all year round, please


Q5. You have traveled all over the world, what has your favorite place been and why?

Los Angeles. There's something about that city; the vibe just feels right. I know it's such a cliché, but it's the only place I considered living.

Q6. You aren’t a personal trainer, but you help people out on the gym, what is the one piece of advice you would give to everyone?

Well, the number 1 thing I learned over the years is that you have to listen to your body. Always allow yourself time for muscles to recover.

Q7. For someone visiting Dubai for the first time, what would be the top three things you suggest one should do?

Well, you definitely got to see the Burj Khalifa. Secondly, a desert sunset because that is something you definitely don’t want to miss. Lastly, you have to do something that encapsulates the true meaning of Dubai like: drive fast cars, go skydiving or something along those lines.


Q8. For all the people reading what is your daily diet?

I tend to eat pretty clean. Usually, start my day with some eggs. Lunch is often some kind of a protein with rice and veggies. And once a day I typically have one less healthy meal such as burrito or pasta. I'm an intuitive eater; I eat sweets when I want to but trying to stay away from it as much as I can.

Q9. It’s no secret that you work out, but what is your workout routine? Is there a specific workout plan you follow?

I hit the gym four times a week max. I have 1 Upper body day, two leg days and one full body workout. I'm not a big fan of cardio, so I rarely do it.


Q10. If you weren’t a model, what would have been your dream job?

When I was younger, I used to sing all the time. Everyone including myself thought I would be a singer one day, hehe


Q11. We have to ask that all important question….. Cats or Dogs?

100 percent Dogs. I have two poodles back home.

Q12. After we stalked you on Instagram, we can see that you love cars, what is your favorite car?

A white range is definitely my dream car.


Q13. Being a fitness enthusiast and given your background, you must be into sports. What is your favorite sport?

I love boxing. For me, it's the best way too clear my mind always.

Q14. Is there anything about you that your followers might not know that you would like to tell them?

Fun fact I had brain concussion when I was 12

Q15. What do you like most about Squat Wolf and why?

Squatwolf approached me last year, and I feel blessed being part of the squad. Last year’s muscle show was huge and seeing my photo on a 15-foot wall was just beyond my expectations. That was the moment I realized it feels like family and not like work.


Vladi Korac has had a fantastic journey from growing up in the early ’90s in Serbia to moving to Dubai and pursuing her dreams. Traveling all over the world at the age of 25, we hope to see her grow and prosper.