7 Fitness Trends in 2018 to Watch Out for in 2018 - SQUATWOLF

7 Fitness Trends in 2018 to Watch Out for

The fitness industry is ever-evolving, and trends change all the time. Fitness trends in 2018 can significantly veer industry dynamics. Technology, culture, and creativity play a considerable role in shaping fitness trends.

Some trends are savored while others die before they catch fire. Predicting future trends is challenging, but the following trends are something to envision for the coming year.

If you are working in the fitness industry or are just a fitness enthusiast, understanding the below-listed 7 fitness trends in 2018 will help you get closer to your fitness goals and reflect on industry shifts.

Fitness Trend #1. Time to LIIT your body

We are not talking about Long Island Iced Tea, as the first Google results show, but referring to Light Intensity Interval Training (LIIT), a lesser mean sister of High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT).

The HIIT trend burst in the last couple of years due to its effectiveness and less time-consuming perks. However, the intensity it required was asking a little too much for some.

LIIT is growing slowly and seems promising because it caters to the masses. If you do not have a great level of fitness, no problem. LIIT has a combination of workouts similar to HIIT but with lesser intensity.

It may take double the time for effectiveness but has a lesser chance of injury and is best for beginners or those recovering from injury. 46-year-old Bikini model Kristin Chaffer knows how to have fun with LIIT with safer body moves.

Watch Kristin Chaffer on YouTube

Fitness Trend #2. Get the Precision with Self-Limiting Exercise

Learn it right the first time and prevent yourself from injury forever. Self-limiting exercises have been in the industry for a while, but the trend has not erupted. 2018 might be the year as injuries are growing for people with more to do in lesser time.

Self-limiting exercises are done with a meticulous stance and form, achieved by mindfulness. For example, jumping ropes with both feet may not improve your weaker foot jumps. Work on both individually.

Do less but with correct form. Therefore, next time you are exercising on poor terrain, your strength and form can save you from injury. Check out the YouTube channel by Larry Draper and learn more about how crucial self-limiting exercises have become.

Watch Larry Draper on YouTube

Fitness Trend #3. Sweat in Virtual Reality

VR gym ideas and prototypes have been floating for quite a few years. Some VR treadmills and machines are already on the market, but they are expensive and don’t do much for your fitness other than entertainment and amusement. The most sophisticated VR exercise machine is being sold for $10,000 by Icaros.

According to Bloomberg, a similar exercise machine will be sold for $2000. 2018 might be the beginning of VR fitness as the initial buzz phase seems to have passed in the last few years.

Watch VR Fitness on YouTube

Fitness Trend #4. Motiv Ring to rule all the wearables

Smallest fitness gadget so far. It will keep track of your daily physical activity, heart rate, and sleep time. But how does it stand out from the other wearable gadgets? First of all, it might be the only fitness gadget you would want to wear all the time.

It has a battery life of 3 days and can be separated from your phone for up to five days. You won’t mind wearing this small $200 ring all day, even while swimming, sleeping, and working out. Motiv ring is all you need to keep track of your fitness goals next year.

Launched in September 2017, Motiv seems to beat the other fitness gadgets unless there is another fitness ring on the market.

Watch Motiv Ring on YouTube

Fitness Trend #5. Live Streaming Classes are picking up

Live streaming classes are becoming popular, and we expect them to become mainstream before the end of next year. It is convenient for both parties not to travel all the way to the other part of the city, doesn’t require a vast space, and has all the economic benefits of any live streaming class.

A trainer won’t even need a website of their own. There will be online fitness platforms that offer all kinds of fitness workouts. All you would need is a computer or a phone with an internet connection, and off you go training people.

Check out LiveStreamingFitness, this might easily be the future of fitness classes.

Watch Live Streaming Fitness on YouTube

Fitness Trend #6. Intermittent Fasting: a smart diet

Health problems are rising despite rising health concerns. Many doctors and nutritionists refer to fasting for a transformational change in people. Intermittent fasting boosts your metabolism, helps to lose weight and belly fat, reduces the risks of diabetes, and is beneficial for many heart and neuro problems.

It might be hard for some not to eat for several hours, but once you see the benefits, it becomes easier with increased willpower. The search results on Google trends show a rapid rise since the start of 2017.

Next year, you will hear people talking more about fasting than detoxing.

Fitness Trend #7. Family Fitness: Think about the future

Take your kids to the fitness sessions with you. If you are a trainer and going to work, take your kids. If you are a parent going to a fitness class, take your kid.

With the increasing trend of fitness groups and classes, trainers and parents will accommodate their kids in the same fitness class. Several fitness groups already are making these fitness classes fun for families.

2018 will see a growing trend of family fitness.

Let us know if you think we have missed any fitness trends that you think will be the deal in 2018.