Fast Twitch Muscle Workouts – Where HIIT Meets Strength Training



Are agility and strength your fitness goals? If yes, then explosive speed and power lie within you – more precisely, in your fast-twitch muscle fibers. These muscle fibers are responsible for giving you those leopard’s leaps and powerhouse sprints, leaving everyone in awe of your agility. The fast twitch muscle fibers give you quick yet strong bursts of energy, which distinguishes them from slow-twitch fibers that promote endurance.

In this guide, you’ll learn about the science-backed fast twitch HIIT workouts and training methods to improve your athletic performance – taking you to a whole another level.

Build your stamina with Insanity Workouts.

Fast Twitch Vs. Slow Twitch Muscles – Understanding Your Muscle Fiber Type

In order to train effectively, it’s important to understand our muscle anatomy. Our muscles are made of 2 main types of fibers – slow-twitch (Type I) and fast-twitch (Type II). Both types of fibers are responsible for different things. However, both these fibers are responsible for your athletic abilities, whether it’s running miles or jumping boxes.

On average, there’s a 50:50 ratio of slow and fast-twitch fibers in muscle movement. However, this doesn’t mean you won’t be athletically sharp because of this division. Yet, because both the fiber types have different capabilities, it is important to incorporate targeted training so you’re on top of your game.

For those who demand more speed and power, who want to boost their agility, they need to incorporate fast twitch muscle exercises.

Strengthen your core with these ab exercises so you can improve your agility with fast-twitch muscle training.

Fast Twitch Fibers


Characteristics: Fast-twitch muscle fibers are important in giving you explosive strength for sprints, runs and leaps. These muscle fibers give you an energy blast, but they do exhaust right away.

Identification Signs

  • Research shows a high percentage of fast-twitch muscles in elite powerlifters, which gives them explosive strength for lifting heavy weights
  • Also boosts athletic prowess for sprinting or jumping jacks.
  • Vertical jumps exceeding 23 inches.
  • Struggling to perform more than 7 reps at 80% of your 1 rep max, preferring power not endurance.
  • Needing longer rest periods between sets to recover.

Unlock explosive strength with full body battle rope workout.

Slow Twitch Fibers


Characteristics: Slow-twitch fibers are the endurance athletes of the muscle world, efficient at utilizing oxygen to keep you moving over extended periods. They're what you rely on for marathons, long cycling sessions, or any prolonged physical activity.

Identification Signs

  • According to research, slow-twitch muscles such as long-distance running, Yoga and Pilates, skiing,
  • Vertical jumps under 17 inches, requiring less power but more endurance.
  • Ability to perform more than 7-9 reps at 80% of your 1 rep max, displaying endurance.
  • Focusing on shorter rest periods between sets, testifying effective recovery and stamina.

With a better understanding of the different types of muscle fibers, you’ll be able to train in a way that is effective and ideal for your body type as well as your fitness goals.

Not only will this help you improve your performance, but you’ll also be able to work on your weaker side, giving you full-fledged athletic prowess.

Improve your endurance with Hyrox exercises.

How To Develop Fast Twitch Muscles - The Role Of HIIT

High-Intensity Interval Training or HIIT is one of the most popular forms of working out – and for all the right reasons. It combines short intense activities with minimal resting time between exercises.

This training method stimulates your fast-twitch muscle fibers, helping them grow. In turn, these muscle fibers facilitate your explosive movements such as jumping, leaping, swimming, sprinting or even biking.

If you’re new to HIIT, it’s ideal to start with the basics. For a beginner-friendly HIIT routine, some of the best exercises are:

Ladies, struggling to do your push-ups? Try banded pushups instead!

According to research, HIIT improves your fast-twitch muscle growth. In a study by the Journal of in Strength and Conditioning, it was shown that HIIT boosts anaerobic and aerobic performance.

In addition, this workout also helps you gain fast-twitch muscle size as well as your ability to perform. This helps you channel powerhouse energy needed for speed and agility. This happens with intense reps of HIIT exercises.

“The HIIT workout was better at providing that necessary stimulus to the muscles to have a more favorable training adaptation,"

lead researcher Lance Dalleck, Ph.D.

4 Fast Twitch Muscle Exercises - Become a Pacemaker

Fast movements such as box jumps, jump squats, and kettlebell swings are used to train fast-twitch muscles for explosiveness. Give your muscles a boost with these four training techniques.

1. Sprinting


Sprinting stimulates fast-twitch fiber growth, giving you strength and speed as it engages muscles in an all-out training.

Key Points

  • Requires a lot of effort, giving you strength in hardcore training.
  • Improves physical power and agility.
  • Best to add sprinting in variations: short (100m), medium (200m), and long (400m).

Alternate Exercises

  • Hill Sprints: Added resistance and intensity by upward slope running.
  • Treadmill Sprints: Adjust incline and speed for added challenge.
  • Resistance Sprints: Use a resistance band to ramp up intensity.
  • Shuttle Runs: Back and forth sprinting for agility.
  • Speed Ladder Drills: Better coordination and foot speed.

Try this outdoor HIIT running workout for a change.

2. Olympic Lifts


Olympic lifts such as power cleans and snatches help you gain dynamite power, boosting your performance.

Key Points

  • Ideal for fierce power and speed.
  • Incorporates multi-joint moves for boosted strength and coordination.
  • Follows progressive overload technique – from hangs to snatches.

Alternate Exercises

  • Dumbbell Snatch: Easier to follow while boosting strength.
  • Clean and Press: Not only does this improve strength but also, incorporates full body movement.
  • Kettlebell Swings: Enhances lower body mobility and strength.
  • Medicine Ball Throws: Focuses on improving upper body power.
  • Jump Squats with Barbell: Combines lower body strength and agility.

You can also try kettlebell Turkish get-ups.

3. Depth Jumps

Stimulating fast-twitch muscle fiber engagement, depth jumps incorporate a complex movement of dropping from a height and jumping as soon as you hit the ground.

Key Points

  • Take your position at a normal height to stay safe.
  • Concentrates on lowering the impact when you land, giving you powerhouse strength and agility.
  • 2-3 sets of 6-8 reps recommended.

Alternate Exercises

  • Plyometric Push-Ups: Build upper body explosive power.
  • Broad Jumps: Focus on horizontal explosiveness.
  • Single-Leg Hops: Enhance unilateral explosive strength.
  • Tuck Jumps: Increase power and knee lift.
  • Lateral Bounds: Develop side-to-side explosive power.

Amplify your fast-twitch muscle fiber growth with a complete 10-minute HIIT workout.

4. Box Jumps


Perfect for lower body warm ups as well as enhancing flexibility, coordination and strength.

Key Points

  • Choose a safe yet challenging box.
  • Practice soft landing to minimize impact on knees.
  • Go for 3-4 sets of 8-10 jumps.

Alternate Exercises

  • Step-Ups with Knee Drive: Boosts intensity in with unilateral approach.
  • Vertical Jumps: Focuses on building agility with jumps at a height.
  • Skater Jumps: Elevates strength and agility.
  • Bulgarian Split Squats Jump: Makes the traditional split squat even more challenging with jumps added.
  • High Knee Runs: Gives you both speed and power.

For a low-impact workout that gets your heart pacing, try these 5 easy dance steps.

Final Words

Training your fast-twitch muscles isn't only about working on your speed or strength, or spending hours at the gym. It's about being smart with your approach to working out.

This means combining strength training such as lifting weights with adding HIIT to get that dynamite, explosive power to unleash your true athletic prowess.

With a smarter training strategy, you’ll feel the difference in every leap, sprint, and lift.


What exercises stimulate fast-twitch muscle fibers?

To peak your athletic abilities and performance, incorporate exercises that stimulate fast-twitch muscle fibers. Some of these high-intensity movements that boost your strength include:

  • Sprinting or Speed Drills
  • Box Jumps
  • Plyometric Push-Ups
  • Olympic Lifts (such as Clean and Jerk, Snatches)
  • Kettlebell Swings
  • Jump Squats
  • Medicine Ball Throws
  • High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) routines
  • Depth Jumps
  • Tuck Jumps
Which muscles are fast-twitch?

Fast-twitch muscles typically include:

  • Calf muscles
  • Hamstrings
  • Quadriceps
  • Glutes
  • Pectorals (chest muscles)
  • Deltoids (shoulder muscles)

These are the muscles uses in lifting weights, jumping, running, sprinting or doing any other kinds of agile movements.

Do fast-twitch muscles burn fat?

Yes, they do! Although they mainly utilize glucose for activities that require explosive energy, these intense movements that focus on these muscles boost your overall metabolism, helping you burn fat when you’re resting. This is the excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC) phase – meaning your continues to burn calories even when you’re not working out.