Bubble Butt Workout | Top 5 Glute Exercises | No Equipment

Bubble Butt Workout


This guide offers a comprehensive approach to sculpting your dream bubble butt with targeted exercises. Alongside detailed workout instructions, it highlights the anatomy of the glutes, essential tips for muscle growth, and the numerous benefits of stronger glutes, from enhanced posture to injury prevention. Whether you’re a beginner or seasoned fitness enthusiast, this routine is your roadmap to a stronger, sculpted lower body.

The Ultimate Guide to a Sculpted Bubble Butt: Top 5 Picks

A quick rundown of the 5 top exercises for a complete at-home bubble butt workout!

  1. Sumo Squats: Engage multiple leg muscles, ensuring a complete leg workout. This exercise focuses on your quads, hamstrings, and of course, the glutes.
  2. Lateral Squat Walk: These walks build rounder and stronger glutes, offering stability to your hip abductors.
  3. Glute Bridge: Build dreamy glute muscles, stimulating and toning your butt with each lift.
  4. Straight Leg Donkey Kicks: A unique exercise to target and elevate your glute muscles. It also improves your posture and alignment.
  5. Bulgarian Split Squat: Adding that essential stretch, these squats further define and sculpt the butt, enhancing its overall shape.

If you feel comfortable with weights, you can always go for dumbbell leg workouts.

Understanding The Anatomy of Your Glutes

Want that dream bubble butt workout? Know the muscles you're targeting first:

  • Gluteus Maximus: The main muscle shaping your butt. It helps in walking and gives the butt its curve.
  • Gluteus Medius: On the side of your hip, this muscle helps in side-to-side movements.
  • Gluteus Minimus: The smallest muscle in your glutes. Works with medius for smooth leg rotation.

And don't forget the hamstrings. These muscles at the back of your thighs complement the glutes, refining that butt shape. Make sure you incorporate hamstring exercises in your leg routine. Knowing these basics can boost your workout results.

5 Top Exercises For A Complete Bubble Butt Workout - Get That Peach

Keep your head high, glutes tight, and coffee strong Do you want an easy-to-follow, at home bubble butt workout routine? Don't worry - we've got you covered. Our personal trainer, Gail Ramage from Rebel Fitness has the ultimate peachy butt workout guide ready for you. She has picked the top 5 exercises to help you grow your glutes.

Watch the workout video

1. Sumo Squats

Targeted Muscles: Quads, hamstrings, glutes, inner thighs

Sets: 3

Reps: 10-15

Rest: 45-60 seconds

How to Perform Sumo Squats?

  • Stand with feet wider than hip-width apart, toes at a 45-degree angle.
  • Brace your core and keep shoulders aligned with feet.
  • Squat down until your thighs are parallel with the ground.
  • Push through your heels to return to starting position.
  • For balance, bring hands together as you lower, extend out as you rise.

2. Lateral Squat Walk

Targeted Muscles: Glutes, hip abductors, quads, hamstrings

Sets: 3

Reps: 10 steps each side

Rest: 45 seconds

How to Perform Lateral Squat Walk?

  • Start in a squat position, glutes slightly higher than knees.
  • Maintain the squat as you step sideways.
  • Use resistance bands around thighs to make this more intense.
  • Take 10 steps one way, then return the other way.

3. Glute Bridge

Targeted Muscles: Glutes, hamstrings

Sets: 3

Reps: 12-15

Rest: 45 seconds

How to Perform Glute Bridges?

  • Lie on your back, knees bent, feet close to your butt.
  • Press through the heels, lifting hips off the ground.
  • Squeeze the glutes at the top, then lower down.

4. Straight Leg Donkey Kicks

Targeted Muscles: Glutes

Sets: 3

Reps: 12 each leg

Rest: 30 seconds between legs

How to Perform Straight Leg Donkey Kicks?

  • Start on all fours, wrists under shoulders and knees under hips.
  • Extend one leg straight back and up, keeping foot flexed.
  • Return to starting position without letting the foot touch down.
  • After completing one side, switch to the other.

5. Bulgarian Split Squat

Targeted Muscles: Quads, glutes, hamstrings

Sets: 3

Reps: 10 each leg

Rest: 1 minute

How to Perform Bulgarian Split Squats?

  • Stand facing away from a bench, one foot placed on it.
  • Square your hips and keep torso upright.
  • Lower down into a lunge, keeping your knee over your ankle.
  • Drive through the front heel to lift yourself up again.

After completing one side, switch to the other. You can also incorporate these isolated glute movements into your 20 minute legs and booty workout at home!

Dress the Part: Top Attire Picks for Your Bubble Butt Workout

For the ultimate bubble butt workout experience, you need to choose the right workout clothes. With the right gear, you’ll outperform yourself and stay comfortable during your workouts. To get that bubble butt, you can choose from:

  • Shorts
  • Leggings
  • Jogger Pants

The bottom you choose depends on your preference! For the tops, you can go for:

  • Sports Bra
  • Tank Tops
  • Crop Tops
  • Pump Cover Tees

Benefits of Stronger Glutes

A bubble butt workout doesn't just aim to enhance your aesthetic appeal - it promises significant benefits for overall health, posture, and athletic prowess. Let's dive into the advantages of focusing on this essential muscle group.

1. Postural and Spinal Health

Ensuring Optimal Alignment

Glutes play an integral role in maintaining a healthy posture. Prolonged sitting or inactive lifestyles lead to weak glutes, which result in misalignment issues. When the glutes are not engaged effectively, the pelvis tends to tilt forward, causing excessive curving in the lower spine.

By strengthening the glutes, you can ensure a neutral pelvic position. This promotes a better spinal health and reduces the risk of chronic back pain.

2. Injury Prevention and Pain Reduction

The Protective Shield

Strong glutes provide stability to the pelvis, which indirectly aids in safeguarding the lower back, hips, and knees. For instance, if the glutes are not adequately supporting the pelvis, the strain is transferred to your lower back or knees.

This leads to pain or even injuries. In addition, a well built lower body prevents your knee from caving inwards during activities. This protects you from leg and foot injuries. So make sure you're working on strengthening your lower body.

3. Enhanced Athletic and Daily Life Performance

The Powerhouse of Movement

Whether you're sprinting, jumping, or climbing stairs, your glutes are putting in the work. They provide the explosive power needed in sports. And they’re essential for movements like hip extension, abduction, and external rotation.

From a daily life perspective, activities like getting up from a chair, picking up heavy objects, or even walking demand strong glutes. This is why, it important to have strong glutes – they dramatically elevate your everyday movements.

4. Age-Related Advantages

Balance and Independence

As we age, our balance can become compromised, leading to a higher risk of falls. The glutes, being a dominant muscle group, play a vital role in securing this balance. Strong glutes not only improve balance but also ensure functional independence well into the senior years.

Important Tips for Building a Bubble Butt

When working on getting a perky peach, it's important to keep these tips in mind:

  • Know Your Starting Point: Understanding your current physique will help set realistic goals. If you already have some muscle definition in your glutes, incorporating a targeted bubble butt workout might help you quicker results than if you're beginning with zero muscle tone.
  • Prioritize Nutrition: Building a bubble butt isn't just about workouts - it's also about fueling those muscles. A balanced diet with protein, carbohydrates and fats, will optimize muscle growth. Consider being in a slight caloric surplus with a Viking Diet to further support muscle development.
  • Stay Consistent with Training: Dedicate time to specific exercises that target the glutes. Regular strength training exercises, such as dumbbell deadlifts and curtsy lunges, should be integral to your bubble butt workout routine. Aim to train the glutes at least 2-3 times a week for effective results.
  • Understand the Power of Rest: Muscles don't grow during the workout; they grow when you're resting. Ensure you're giving your glutes adequate time to heal and develop after each session.
  • Embrace Progressive Overload: As you advance in your fitness journey, it's crucial to keep challenging your muscles. Whether it's by adding more weight, increasing repetitions, or introducing new exercises, progressive overload ensures continuous muscle growth.
  • Don't Overlook Genetics: Everyone's body is unique. While a bubble butt workout will enhance your glutes, genetics also play a role in the natural shape and size of your buttocks.

Celebrate every milestone, and remember, it's about progress, not perfection.

Work Your Bubble Butt

As a beginner, you can start with 10 reps. However, the key to getting your bubble butt is consistency and discipline. Work through the bubble butt workout plan every day and increase the number of reps as it starts getting easy.


How to get a bigger butt in 4 weeks?

To achieve a bigger butt in 4 weeks, you need to combine glute exercises like squats, lunges, and hip thrusts with a protein-rich diet to support muscle growth. Train the glutes 3-4 times a week, and progressively increase intensity. You need adequate rest between sessions for muscle recovery. Incorporate resistance bands or weights to boost results. Remember, while you'll see progress in 4 weeks, the journey to a toned and lifted butt is ongoing.

Do squats make your butt bigger?

Yes, squats primarily target the gluteal muscles. Squats can make your butt bigger when performed with proper technique and consistent training. They can contribute to increasing the size and firmness of the butt. By progressively adding resistance, like weights or resistance bands, you can boost glute muscle growth. However, to see significant changes, it's essential to combine squats with other glute-focused exercises like hip thrusts and a supportive nutrition plan.

How can I slim my hips and thighs?

To slim your hips and thighs, combine a mix of aerobic exercises like walking, jogging, or cycling with strength training exercises that target the hips and thighs, such as lunges, squats, and leg lifts. You need to maintain a balanced diet, rich in whole foods and low in processed foods to reduce fat storage in these areas. Remember, spot-reducing doesn't work - you need to burn overall fat for slimmer hips and thighs over time.