8 Home Workout Routines To Build Muscle Without Equipment


One of the healthiest trends that arose due to the Coronavirus pandemic was the rise of home workout routines. Using just your bodyweight, you can build phenomenal strength and muscle mass. While gyms provide an array of machinery and equipment that allows you to work out muscle groups in great depth, you can always engage the right muscles with your bodyweight to stimulate muscle growth. The science behind building muscles is simple. During hypertrophy or when muscles are strained or injured, the body repairs them by fusing muscle fibers. This process increases the mass, size, and strength of muscles. Now, this strain can come from using equipment or your bodyweight. The key is to strain muscles to the point of natural recovery. The entire concept of calisthenics is based on this process.

Experts say, to get the most out of bodyweight training you should:

  • Increase reps
  • Decrease rest durations between sets
  • Do different variations of the same movement
  • Work until failure
  • Apply mechanical drop sets to your routines

Not only is bodyweight training an efficient way to build strong and brawny muscle, but it also comes with other fitness benefits. These natural workout routines help enhance fitness, endurance, and balance. Also, it helps to injury-proof your body. About to head into your training routine? Try these all natural pre-workout alternatives!

Chest | Full Body | Lower Body | Legs & Booty | Resistance Band | Back | Abs | Triceps | Key Takeaways | FAQs

8 Effective Home Workout Routines

The new health fad of working out at home is quickly becoming the new norm. With Coronavirus not going away anytime soon, home workout routines are the perfect solution. Home-based workout routines also save you costly gym fees and can be done anywhere. You don’t require much space, even your bedroom can suffice for ample training space.

Chest Workout Routine

This chest workout routine uses push-ups only. See, a push-up is a great movement that doesn't just work on your chest but also your triceps, biceps, and shoulder muscles. Each variation works on a different muscle group of the chest, giving you a complete chest workout. Get our gym stringers for an optimal chest workout experience.

Full Body Workout Routine

Perfect for beginners or anyone looking to burn a few calories. This full body workout routine works out your main muscle groups. It gives your entire body a burn. Because you are working out all of your major muscle groups, not only will you burn a good amount of calories but will also build strength. Consider this routine perfect for newbies or for recovery.

Lower Body Workout Routine

Working with just your bodyweight, you can build explosive legs. It's possible because this routine targets your thighs, glutes, hamstrings, and calves. You can increase the sets and reps for a more intense burn. Another wonderful thing about this routine is that since you are working huge muscle groups, you are also burning a lot of calories. Note: Ensure wearing proper gym shorts for an efficient lower body workout.

Legs & Booty Workout Routine

A lower body workout routine designed just for the ladies. These movements are perfect for building a flawless lower body. You need a strong lower body not just to complete the fitness look. But, you need a strong lower body to help fix posture. It also helps fight arthritis later on in life and develops strength for cardio. A strong lower body also helps support your other workouts by providing you balance and supporting strength.

Resistance Band Workout Routine

Resistance bands can propel your bodyweight training to new heights. When we use expensive gym equipment, each movement's intensity is increased. The added pressure on your muscles causes them to strain faster. When they heal, they come back stronger and bigger. This is the concept behind lifting weights. A resistance band can help add this intensity to bodyweight workouts. Instead of investing in different equipment, one resistance band can add numerous movements to your routines. That is why resistance band training is effective and can help you build bigger muscles at a quarter of the cost. Check out SQUATWOLF's durable and quality Power Bands that help you raise your workouts to new intensities.

Back Workout Routine

A strong back is the greatest accomplishment a dedicated weight lifter can attain. The 'V taper" is a symbol of peak fitness. Apart from that, your back is a great supporting muscle. A muscle that helps you in all walks of life (literally) and helps in weight training. A strong back can also keep back pain away which arises from poor posture. We can go on and on about why you need a solid back workout routine. It is a must-do for a healthy life.

Abs Workout Routine

Six packs is something everyone has fantasized about at least once. Just imagining how well you'd look with a six-pack is quite satisfying. This workout routine helps turn that dream into a reality. The key to a six pack is not just a tough workout routine. You also need a proper diet that helps shed fat. This is an essential step that helps show your six pack. Read more about this workout routine and diet in this detailed blog.

Triceps Workout Routine

Triceps and biceps are tricky muscle groups to workout with just bodyweight. Luckily, we put together an effective workout routine that tackles just your triceps. These movements and variations are optimal for targeting your triceps to build strength and mass.

Key Takeaways

Whether you're busy, introverted, or just intimidated by the gym, you can always go for home workouts to boost your strength to unlock your true athletic prowess! These home workouts reveal that anything is possible when you really put your mind to it - and so is building muscle, even without equipment. Just incorporate a variety of exercises and workouts into your routine to target different body parts and muscle groups, so you get a well-balanced workout. You can always increase resistance with bands or dumbbells at home to keep your muscles challenged! Just keep pushing your muscles with greater reps, switching up your exercises, and working until failure.


Yes, you can gain muscle at home without any equipment! Doing bodyweight exercises such as push-ups, squats, lunges, and pull-ups (if you have a bar at home) can help you in building and growing your muscles, especially if you pair it up with the right diet. Adding different variations and ramping the intensity of these exercises effectively challenges your muscles to promote growth and strength without any equipment.

If you're a beginner and want to build your dream physique at home, try following this workout plan:

  • Monday: Push-ups (3 sets of 8-12 reps), Squats (3 sets of 8-12 reps)
  • Wednesday: Planks (3 sets for 30-60 seconds), Lunges (3 sets of 8-12 reps per leg)
  • Friday: Triceps Dips (3 sets of 8-12 reps), Glute Bridges (3 sets of 8-12 reps)

Focus on form and gradually increase your repetitions as you become stronger. Rest for 1-2 minutes between sets. Make sure to rest up between each day of working out to allow your muscles to recover properly. Remember, your muscles need rest days in order to grow!

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