7 Kettlebell Lunge Variations

7 Kettlebell Lunge Variations


Sculpt your legs with these 7 kettlebell lunge variations: 
  1. Standard Kettlebell Lunges
  2. Walking Lunges with Kettlebell
  3. Side Lunges with Kettlebell
  4. Kettlebell Reverse Lunges
  5. Kettlebell Lunge with Pass Under
  6. Kettlebell Curtsy Lunges
  7. Kettlebell Lunge and Press

If you’ve ever felt sore on leg days after doing some lunges, then you’re in it for hobbling-wobbling legs after taking it to another level with kettlebell lunges! These aren't just any lunges – they’re your ticket to notching up your lower body workouts.

With 7 fun and challenging variations, you’re about to lunge, lift, and love your way to stronger and defined legs. Whether it’s the standard forward lunge or the much-dreaded walking lunges, these variations are the perfect way to add some fun and a whole lot of burn to your leg day routine!

I wasn’t the biggest fan of kettlebell lunges when I started working out. But when I incorporated this exercise and its variants into my routine, I felt my strength and balance improve significantly within 2 months. Not only was I progressing physically, I was also able to rack up the weight in other leg exercises such as squats and deadlifts.

Kettlebell lunge variations also engaged my stabilizer muscles, improving my movement in every exercise. The best part is, these variations also required me to use several other muscle groups such as arms and core, which is why these variations became an amazing add-on to my full body days as well.

If you don’t feel comfortable with kettlebells, you can always switch to ankle weight leg exercises. But like me, if you enjoy switching up your workouts to break away monotony, then kettlebells will completely transform the way you train.

1. Standard Kettlebell Lunges

Not only do the traditional, standard kettlebell lunges target your quads, hammies, and glutes, they also work your core and stabilizers. This exercise is specifically beneficial because it’s easy to do and effectively builds your strength and stability.

Step-by-step instructions:

  • Before you start, make sure you’ve got your workout leggings or high-stretch gym shorts on.
  • Stand with your feet hip-width apart while holding the kettlebell against your chest.
  • Like your classic lunge, take a step forward, lowering your body with your toes pointing forward.
  • Make sure your back is neutral and straight to avoid curving.
  • As you lower your body into the lunge, make sure your knee doesn’t go back your toes.
  • Push your way back up, lunging with your other leg to complete one rep.
Add this kettlebell exercise to your lower body band workout.

2. Walking Lunges with Kettlebell

The kettlebell walking lunge is the perfect exercise to sculpt your legs all the way from your glutes and down to your calves. While the weight with the lunge boosts strength, the walking will pace up your heartbeat, giving you the cardio, you typically avoid.

Step-by-step instructions:

  • Stand with your back straight and in a neutral position.
  • Make sure you brace your core to maintain your posture and keep it stable.
  • Your feet should be shoulder-width apart.
  • Press the kettlebell against your chest or if you have 2 kettlebells, then hold them by your sides.
  • While bending your non-working leg, take a step forward while lowering your body into a lunge.
  • Make sure your toes are pointing straight ahead so you are stable.
  • Pushing through your heel, stand up straight and switch to your next leg to complete one rep.
For a complete at-home workout, incorporate this exercise into our resistance band lower body workout routine.

3. Side (Lateral) Lunges with Kettlebell

Side Kettlebell Lunge 

Targeting your glute medius, quads, adductors, and core muscles, this exercise is perfect for sculpting and toning your legs. Along with building strength in your legs, this exercise also works your hip stabilizers, boosting your functional strength.

Step-by-step instructions:

  • Stand with your feet hip-width apart.
  • Make sure your shoulders are retracted, your chest puffed up and you’re looking forward.
  • Hold the kettlebell with both hands, pressing it against your chest.
  • Take a big step to your side, pointing your toe outward.
  • Now, while pushing your hips to create a hinge, bend your knee so you’re lunging towards the side.
  • Make sure your knee doesn’t cross your toe and you’ve braced your core.
  • Lower your body as deep as you can, then push back upward with your heel.
  • Repeat this with your other leg to complete one rep.
Learn how to do side or lateral lunges properly.

4. Kettlebell Reverse Lunges

For those who struggle with knee problems, this exercise is the perfect alternative to kettlebell front lunges. This exercise is much easier on your knees when compared to forward lunges. However, it fires up your glutes and quads like no other!

Step-by-step instructions:

  • Stand upright with your feet hip-width apart, holding the kettlebell against your chest.
  • Take a step backward, placing the ball on your foot on the ground.
  • Lower yourself into a lunge, until both your knees form a 90° angle.
  • Maintain a neutral spine and keep your chest puffed out during your lift.
  • Using your heel, push yourself back into a standing position.
  • Switch onto your other leg to complete one rep.
Add this exercise to your powerful leg workout routine for an epic burn.

5. Kettlebell Lunge with Pass Under

If your goal is to sculpt your legs, improve your balance and coordination and boost your strength, then the kettlebell lunge with pass under is the exercise you need! This move not only helps you build your quads, glutes, hamstrings, and core, it also works your obliques during the pass under. In addition, this exercise improves your overall coordination as well.

Step-by-step instructions:

  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart
  • With a neutral spine and retracted shoulders, take a step forward
  • Head deep into a lunge until your legs form a 90° angle
  • While in the lunge position, pass the kettlebell from your right hand to your left from under your knee
  • Once done, push yourself back up and repeat this with your other leg.
Ladies, if you want a bubble butt and runway-worthy legs, then add this exercise to your leg workout schedule!

6. Kettlebell Curtsy Lunges

For those struggling with saddlebags, this is the perfect exercise. While curtsy lunges might harder to nail, they work your legs all the way from your glutes to your calves with specific emphasis on your adductors (or outer thighs).

Step-by-step instructions:

  • Grab the kettlebell with both hands and push it against your chest.
  • Stand with your legs hip-width apart so you’re standing comfortable at the starting position.
  • Take a step behind your non-working leg diagonally, hinge your hips while lowering yourself into a lunge.
  • Once you’ve gone deep into a lunge, push yourself back up so you’re standing upright.
  • Repeat this with your other leg to complete one rep.
Learn how to do curtsy lunges in depth.

7. Kettlebell Lunge and Press

A dynamic move, the kettlebell lunge and press is a full-body workout that works your lower body and upper body at the same time. Not only does this exercise help you tone and grow your quads, hammies, and glutes, it also works your delts and triceps.

Step-by-step instructions:

  • Stand with your feet hip-width apart and straighten your arm so it aligns with your shoulder.
  • Take a step forward until your knee forms a 90° angle.
  • Make sure you avoid letting your knee pass your toe to prevent any kind of joint pains.
  • Push yourself back up so you’re standing upright while bringing the kettlebell over your head in a press.
  • Repeat this with the other leg to complete one rep.
If you’re not comfortable with kettlebells, go for bodyweight legs and booty workout at home.

5 Benefits of Doing Lunges with Kettlebell

Often undervalued, kettlebell is not just an added weight to your workout – it is a surefire way of improving your strength, balance, and coordination.

Here are a few benefits of doing kettlebell lunges:

  1. When done right, kettlebell lunges help you tone, define, and even grow your glutes, hamstrings, and quads.
  2. This exercise targets your core muscles, helping you develop strength and stability.
  3. Often incorporated in functional training, kettlebell lunges improve your balance, coordination, and body control.
  4. For those with poor mobility, this exercise is perfect as it works your hip flexibility, helping you hit a fuller range of motion.
  5. While the lunge is a compound movement, kettlebell lunges are a unilateral exercise that correct any kinds of structural or muscular imbalances.

5-Day Kettlebell Lunge Workout Plan

Level up your training routine with a carefully curated, 5-day workout plan using different kettlebell lunges variations. This sample workout routine is a great way to see how you can add this weight and these movements into your own regimen. And with 7 different variations, you'll always be doing something different as you train.

Day Targeted Muscle Groups Exercise Sets Reps Rest Time
Day 1 Lower Body Strength & Stability
  • Standard Kettlebell Lunges
  • Deadlifts (Kettlebell or Barbell)
  • Bulgarian Split Squats (Bodyweight)
  • Kettlebell Swing
  • Glute Bridges (Weighted or Bodyweight)
4 10 each leg 60 seconds
Day 2 Upper Body Push & Core
  • Kettlebell Lunge and Press
  • Push-Ups (Weighted or Bodyweight)
  • Overhead Kettlebell Press
  • Plank with Shoulder Taps
  • Kettlebell Russian Twists
3-4 10-15 45-60 seconds
Day 3 Full Body Strength & Conditioning
  • Kettlebell Lunge with Pass Under
  • Clean and Press (Kettlebell or Barbell)
  • Bodyweight Squats
  • Kettlebell Deadlift to High Pull
  • Burpees
3-4 10-15 45-60 seconds
Day 4 Lower Body Power & Endurance
  • Walking Lunges with Kettlebell
  • Step-Ups (Weighted or Bodyweight)
  • Kettlebell Goblet Squat
  • Kettlebell Swing
  • Wall Sits (Weighted or Bodyweight)
3-4 10-15 45-60 seconds
Day 5 Functional Training & Core
  • Side Lunges with Kettlebell
  • Kettlebell Curtsy Lunges
  • Kettlebell Turkish Get-Up
  • Single-Leg Deadlift (Kettlebell)
  • Farmer’s Walk (Kettlebell)
3-4 10-15 45-60 seconds

How to Use This Workout Plan

This 5-day workout plan engages several muscle groups at one, helping you improve your balance, endurance, stamina and strength. With variations within the lunge, you'll be able to achieve defined and sculpted legs. Just make sure you understand your fitness level before trying to lift heavy or increasing your rep frequency. 


With these 7 kettlebell lunge variations, you can easily ramp up your leg days, making them tougher and more challenging so you get the best out of your workout. Not only do these variations promise gains, but they also improve your balance, coordination, flexibility, mobility, and functionality. What’s more is, this exercise helps you build core strength so you’re supported throughout the day.


Are kettlebell lunges effective? Yes, kettlebell lunges are extremely effective! No matter which variation you do, this exercise adds intensity to your regular, bodyweight lunges. This means your quads, hamstrings, and glutes experience more resistance when working out, engaging your muscles and helping them grow. This exercise is not just effective in helping you grow and tone your muscles, but it also improves your overall balance and core strength.
What type of lunge variation is best for me? The type of lunge variation best for you depends on your fitness goal and the muscle group you’re targeting. For instance, if your goal is to work your abductors and adductors i.e. your inner and outer thighs, then you should be doing side and curtsy lunges. On the other hand, if your goal is to build and sculpt your quads, then you should go for front or reverse lunges. If you wish to get some cardio and strength training done simultaneously, then walking kettlebell lunges are perfect for you. It totally depends on the muscles you are targeting and want to tone.
What muscles do kettlebell side lunges work? The kettlebell side lunges work your inner and outer thighs! While all lunges work your glutes, quads, and hammies, these specifically target your adductors and abductors, helping you get a full leg workout from all angles. In addition, this exercise also improves your overall stability, balance, and even core engagement, making this a full-fledged leg workout.
What are the benefits of single-arm kettlebell lunges? Some of the top benefits of single-arm kettlebell lunges include:
  • It improves your full-body strength and balance
  • It boosts your core stability
  • It enhances your coordination and muscle engagement
  • It also works your upper body, strengthening your shoulders and arms
  • It is low impact so it doesn’t hurt your joints
  • It works your glutes, outer and inner thighs, quads, hamstrings, and calves.