Back Workout At Home: 9 Powerful Exercises To Build A Strong Back


Does your back hurt all of the time? Blame it on your posture. Our routines are not good for our health in general, but sitting in one sedentary position and slouching on top of that, is the reason you have persisting back pain.

If you suffer from this problem, then this back workout at home is a must. However, if you are an avid gym goer and have been stuck at home for the past couple of months, this back workout at home is what you need too.

See, having a muscular back helps you build that sexy “V taper” look like the one The Rock has. A broad back helps you look dominant and is the epitome of a well-built body.

back-workout-at-home Build an aesthetic back at home

You don’t need a lot of equipment either. Investing in just a resistance band is more than enough. A resistance band can help you do the same movements that require weights. Working with this easily affordable piece of equipment, you can work on any muscle group or your full body. You can make dumbbells and barbells from objects around your home too.

This back workout at home has 9 movements that work on every muscle in your back. If done properly, you can get some major gains all from the comfort of your home. Get used to working out at home because it is not going away anytime soon.

Staying fit during Coronavirus is a must if you want to walk out of this phase stronger. Let’s dive into this back workout at home, later on in the blog we will talk about the importance of having a strong back, not just for good posture but a plethora of other reasons too.

The Best Back Workout At Home

You’ll need a resistance band for this back workout at home. Also, fill a backpack with some weights and put it in the middle of a curtain rod for a makeshift barbell. We used this and makeshift dumbbells for a complete bicep workout at home and it worked like a charm.


You should pick 5 of these exercises for a complete circuit without unnecessarily straining your back. Lift smart, overdoing it just wastes time in recovery.

Pull Apart

Grab a resistance band in both hands and hold it in front of your chest. You can double loop it to make it even harder to pull, adding more force in each rep. Place your feet shoulder width apart and now pull your arms out to your sides.

Reps: 10 to 12
Sets: 3
Rest: 30 seconds


How to do a pull apart with a resistance band

Bent Over Row

With both your feet, step on the resistance band and keep your feet shoulder width apart. Get into a quarter squat position by slightly bending your knees. Now, brace your core and keep your back flat throughout this movement. Next, pull the handles back, bending your elbows and flexing your shoulders. Finally, hold this movement and release slowly to return to the original position.

Reps: 10 to 12
Sets: 3
Rest: 30 seconds


How to do bent over rows with a resistance band

Reacher Row

For this movement, lay face down on the ground. Now, elevate your feet and your chest off the ground. Next, loop the resistance band and grab it in both hands. Straighten out your arms as much as you can and then bring them back to your chest, hold at your chest for a few seconds before you straighten your arms again.

Reps: 10 to 12
Sets: 3
Rest: 30 seconds


How to do reacher row

Lying Back Extension

Same position as the last movement, you have to lay face down on the floor. Now, elevate your chest and feet off the ground. Next, interlock your hands behind your head or touch your ears. Finally, lift your upper body up, hold for a few seconds and then come back down but not all of the way. Make sure your feet and chest stay elevated throughout this whole movement.

Reps: 10 to 12
Sets: 3
Rest: 30 seconds


How to do lying back extensions

Banded Deadlift

Stand with both of your feet on top of the resistance band. Next, hold the resistance band in each hand. Now, squat all the way down bringing your hands as low as your knees and then rising all the way till your back becomes straight.

Reps: 10 to 12
Sets: 3
Rest: 30 seconds


Banded Dead Lifts

Single Arm Row

Stand on the resistance with just one leg now and grab the resistance band ends in one hand only. You should grab with the opposite hand of the leg you are standing on top of the resistance band. Next, slightly bend your knees and keep your back straight. With a firm grip on the resistance band, pull it back and flex your shoulder blade. Your starting position should be knee level and you should bring it back all the way to hip level.

Reps: 10 to 12 each arm
Sets: 3
Rest: 30 seconds


Single Arm Rows

Renegade Row

By now this back workout at home should have exhausted you, but keep on pushing your limits. Get into a high push-up position but keep your hands closed like in a fist. Now, bring back one arm till your elbow is parallel with your back.

Reps: 10 to 12 each arm
Sets: 3
Rest: 30 seconds


Renegade Row

Supine Barbell Row

For this final part of this back workout at home, you’ll need a makeshift barbell. You can easily make this by filling a backpack with weights and then pushing a curtain rod between the straps. Grab the barbell with an underhand grip shoulder width apart. Now, slightly bend forward and pull back till your shoulders flex. Just make sure to bring the barbell to your chest for a maximum burn.

Reps: 12
Sets: 3
Rest: 30 seconds


Supine Barbell Row at Home with Makeshift Equipment

Barbell Upright Row

Finally, the last movement in this comprehensive back workout at home, phew! Now, grip your makeshift barbell with an overhand grip while standing straight. Ensure that your legs are shoulder width apart. Start by keeping the barbell at hip level and then pulling it upwards till you are at chin level.

Reps: 10 to 12
Sets: 3
Rest: 30 seconds


Upright Row at Home with Makeshift Equipment

Why A Back Workout At Home Is A Must

See, a strong back not only looks aesthetic but it also provides much needed functionality. If you are working for long hours sitting at a desk, you are bound to feel discomfort sooner or later. This discomfort can transform into persisting back pain if not dealt with properly. A good back workout at home can help prevent this pain by making the muscles in your back stronger.

back-workouts-can-reduce-back-pain Back workouts at home can help reduce numerous back problems

The after burn of doing a strenuous back workout can help you burn calories long after it is done. This is because your back muscles are biggest in size after the leg muscles. They burn a lot of energy working out and require just as much to recover. So, working your back helps maintain glucose levels and burns fat. Couple this back workout at home with a lower body workout at home and not only will you lose weight but build an aesthetic body.

Key Takeaway

This extensive back workout at home can help you build a muscular back with just a resistance band and equipment you can easily make at home. Get used to working out at home and making your own circuits. The internet is filled with diets, workout plans and advice from professionals all for free. With just a bit of research, you can build an aesthetic body at home without having to spend a fortune.