7 Health Benefits of Martial Arts Training

7 Health Benefits of Martial Arts Training

Whether we’re talking about traditional disciplines like Karate, Jujutsu, Judo, or modern combat sports such as Mixed Martial Arts (MMA), boxing, or Krav Maga, martial arts training provides the perfect platform for becoming a healthier and fitter individual.

Whichever martial arts discipline you prefer to practice, there are numerous benefits to be gained – especially regarding your health and fitness.

Here are the top 7 health-related advantages that martial arts training can offer you:

1. Increased Mobility

Mobility and agility are essential in many martial arts disciplines. If you are looking to improve your ability to move quickly and build up your body’s response to pressure, practicing martial arts is a sure-fire way to do so. Training in martial arts like Capoeira can increase your agility and get you moving.

2. Strength and Power

Many martial arts disciplines focus on building physical strength and power. This is especially true when training in Taekwondo, which involves complex kicks and moves that improve your entire body’s musculature. If you want to get lean and build strength, practicing martial arts like Karate or Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu might be the path for you.

3. Improved Flexibility

High kicks, aggressive throws, and acrobatic evasions are crucial in many martial arts disciplines. Participating in martial arts like Judo, MMA, or Muay Thai can significantly improve your flexibility.

4. Improved Stability and Coordination

Training in disciplines like Krav Maga enhances awareness and coordination. Most martial arts training focuses on becoming more stable, especially around your lower body, to provide a steady base for executing moves. Incorporating martial arts into your physical training can help improve stability and coordination.

5. Lowered Blood Pressure and Heart Rate

Many martial arts require rigorous fitness training. Practicing martial arts with agile and repetitive movements at high intensity can help lower your blood pressure and heart rate over time.

6. Mental Concentration

Martial arts training like Karate or Tang Soo Do requires mental acuity and perseverance to remember and execute a series of moves. The competitive element and repetitive nature of many martial arts help refine your ability to focus and sustain mental concentration.

7. Stress Relief

If you are looking to become more centered and appreciate the world around you, practicing martial arts can help. Many martial arts focus on controlling your breathing and ridding your mind of distractions, which is a major factor in relieving stress.


If you are running out of interesting ways to stay fit and healthy, which also stimulate your mind, then getting involved in martial arts training may be for you. While there are many more health benefits that martial arts training can offer, this post outlined an overview of advantages that you can gain from practicing almost all martial arts disciplines. Regular practice will lead to improvement in various areas, making using your body easier and more rewarding.

By Justina Triasovaite, writer contributor at BookMartialArts.com. She is a certified female personal trainer and also runs justinatraining.com, a site with useful information for those who are interested in general fitness and body transformation.