Runner’s high is a euphoric feeling triggered by long-distance running, caused by the release of endorphins and endocannabinoids. To maximize the chances of experiencing it, focus on proper preparation, a good warm-up, steady pacing, and maintaining the right mindset. As you build endurance and push past fatigue, your body enters a state of effortless running, delivering the exhilarating sensation many describe as “flying.”
Every once in a while, runners experience this euphoric feeling - the runner’s high. Some even consider it the best drug messing with the neurochemicals. Here is the catch - you can’t buy it but you have to earn it.
Learn more about this sensational feeling and how you can increase the chances of experiencing it every time you go for a run!
What Is A Runner’s High?

A runner’s high is the euphoric feeling you get after some long-distance running. When you run, your brain releases a combination of chemicals which make you happy and joyful. But that feeling can be caused by doing any other exercise such as 10-minute HIIT or skip rope jump workout!
A runner’s high goes a step forward than just feeling good after hitting your back and biceps successfully. This is because your body releases endorphins and endocannabinoids, which makes you feel lighter, serene, eclectic and in a fantasy world.
This complex biochemical process at work also makes you feel that you can run forever and possess infinite energy. As a result, you would never want to stop.
Many describe it as something like flying where your feet don’t even hit the ground anymore. Like 'Flash', you feel like you can run faster and faster, and every mile gets easier and easier. However, this does not happen every time you go for a run - just saying!
Want to challenge yourself with something rigorous? Try the Insanity Workout!
What’s The Science?
When you reach a comfort level of running by at least half an hour at around 80% of your heart level, two mood boosters are released in your brain - endorphins and anandamide.
According to a study, exercising releases high levels of endorphin in your body. Endorphins are a natural chemical in your brain that function as painkillers, minimizing any feelings of pain, discomfort or unease.
Since running is a form of moderate to intense cardio (depending on how long and how intensely you do it), it leads to endorphins releasing in your body. This not only creates that euphoric, runner’s high, but also elevates your mood and alters your perception of pain.
Try these 4 workouts to improve your overall mood and mental health!
The same study conducted on endorphins also showed that working out such as resistance training or doing cardio stimulates the endocannabinoids in your body. Your body naturally produces these minute molecules.
These molecules stimulate the cannabinoid receptors in your brain, creating the same effect as THC found in cannabis does. This leads to lower levels of anxiety along with that euphoric feeling, quite similar to endorphins. This is exactly why so many athletes feel ecstatic after working out or running.
Learn more about how exercise boosts your mental health!
Adult Neurogenesis
Running stimulates the process of adult neurogenesis in your body. This process creates neurons in the hippocampus of your brain, which is pivotal for memory and learning.
Through running, this process improves your brain functionality, enhancing your cognitive skills and leading to emotional health.
Try these exercises to regulate your emotional health!
How To Get Runner’s High?

A runner’s high is not something you should expect to happen every time you go for a run. Although, there are some techniques to maximize the chances.
1. Preparation
Start with preparing yourself for a great run. Here is a list of things you should consider:
- One of the most vital gadgets would be your running shoe. A decent pair of running shoes is vital to get started. Think of them as your jet to fly high.
- Make sure you have proper gym wear. The fabric should be moisture-absorbing. Muscle-fit clothes with stretch ability are ideal. Check the weather before making a run. If you need a hoodie for the weather, grab it. More on Why You Need Gym Wear.
- Have a carbs, proteins and potassium meal at least 30 minutes before for a Pre-run Meal. Carbs are a great source of energy. Peanut butter is a great option for extra proteins. Moreover, a banana will help muscle cramps.
- Make sure you have hydrated yourself enough before the run.
- Keeping Music or Audio Book on the go is always a great idea. It gives you company and keeps you engaged.
- Get a Running Partner if you want. It again serves the same purpose of keeping you engaged.
- Whether you are running on a treadmill or outdoors, it shouldn’t matter if your approach and mindset is right.
Before heading into a run or strength session, try these 5 natural pre-workout!
2. Warm-up
No exercise or workout should be done without a proper warm-up. You know you have a good long distance to run. Therefore, stretch your lower and upper body for a good 5 minutes. It will ensure your body is looser and relaxed. Also a good thumb rule to avoid injury.
Start running at less than 50 percent of your normal pace for 10 minutes. Running at a higher speed is always tempting when starting out to run. But starting slow will prevent you from getting tired early.
Check out these 10 best warm-up exercises to do before any kind of exercise routine!
3. Pick Up the Pace
Once your body is warmed-up, you still need to hold your horses. Don’t rush into a full sprint but get to 70 percent of your full pace. You will feel the resistance but try to stay focused and in a comfortable position.
The key is to stay consistent with your pace. If you think the current speed is too much for you then slow it down to 60 percent.
Improve your running ability by adding yoga to your routine!
4. Mindset
Running at a steady pace without losing focus is crucial. Moreover, maintaining consistent speed between 60 to 70 percent of your speed remains the key. Running also needs to be smart. Make sure you are comfortable yet running at the optimal pace.
As long as you are enjoying your run, you are on the right track. Any fatigue you feel should be welcomed but controlled. Moreover, don’t think too much about your runner’s high or else you might get distracted.
Try these cool down exercises to recover from your post-run fatigue!
5. Climax
When you start to get a little fatigued and you don’t feel any cramps, that is good news. Drag yourself a little more till you get uncomfortable. Make sure you are at least 45 minutes into the run by this time. Soon your body will start to feel lighter. Your legs will stop burning, which means you are taking off for the euphoric journey.
In this state, you may run for as long as you want. The time for runner’s high varies but you won’t care. Your state of mind will take over all the time relativity. At some point, you will start to lose some steam and your body will eventually signal you to stop. You will be lightheaded for a while and won’t believe what you just felt.
Just starting out? Try the beginner-friendly treadmill running workout!
What’s Next?
Whether you were successful or not in achieving the state, you certainly had a terrific run. Do not be disappointed if you missed out on it. You can always try again. The more experienced runner you are, the better the chances you have.
Runner’s high is not a common experience and don’t go in with a lot of expectations. Keep striving for great and challenging runs. Once you accomplish the runner’s high, it will be worth your efforts. Keep running and stay fit!
What is a runner's high?
A runner's high is that feeling of pure bliss and ecstasy that runners feel at times after running continuously and for a longer period of time. It is almost like an emotional peak they reach where they feel light on their feet, free of pain and discomfort, as if they could run non-stop. This state of mind occurs when there's a release of endorphins and endocannabinoids in the brain, which elevate their mood, take away anxiety and block any kind of pain. When you're in that 'runner's high', you feel like you're washed over with absolute happiness. There is no physical pain, unease or discomfort even though running itself is exhausting and involves physical exertion. While everyone may have a different explanation of what it's like, some describe it as feeling like they can do anything along with feeling at peace. For a lot of people, it is an out-of-body experience that makes them feel more alive, more aware and at the same time, beyond this world.
Is a runner's high a drug?
No, a runner's high is not a drug. Rather, it is a state of being or existence that your body reaches through exercise such as cardio or HIIT - any form of aerobic exercise for that matter. The word "high" is used because of the same feeling of euphoria and ecstasy that drugs often induce. However, a runner's high is caused by the natural substances that already exist in your body. These chemicals are endorphins and endocannabinoids that minimize anxiety, offer stress release and pain management.
What are the benefits of running?
Running is one of the best ways to improve your mental and physical health. Since it's one of the best-known forms of cardio, it improves your cardiovascular health, boosts muscle strength, builds your endurance and stamina, and also gives you flexibility in your joints. It also helps you burn calories, leading to weight loss or weight management. Studies also show that running lowers the risk of type 2 diabetes, heart diseases and high blood pressure. Moreover, it improves your mental health by helping in anxiety management, stress release and boosting your mood. The release of endorphins even enhances brain performance and memory retention, helping you learn more and thrive.