Chest exercises help you build strength, endurance, and muscle mass. These exercises, including variations of the chest press, push-ups, and dips, target different parts of the pectoral muscles for balanced growth. Proper form and gradual intensity increase are key to maximizing results. Whether you're using bodyweight or weights, consistency and technique are crucial for achieving a well-defined chest.
There are numerous chest exercises you can do, more than 80 are available with just a quick internet search.
Trying all of them to find which ones are right for you can be an exhaustive task. If you are starting out from scratch, then these 6 exercises are fundamental to building strength and mass.
You can then evolve your workout routines to include more intense movements. Again, this list is not a collection of the most extreme chest exercises. Instead, it is focused on basic yet effective movements that anyone can start with.
The goal is to build muscle strength allowing you to workout with greater intensity which leads to muscle growth. When working out your chest, you are mainly focused on your pectoral muscles.
This is the largest muscle group in your chest. Now, to work out your entire pectoral muscles, you will be required to do the same movement but at a different angle. Each variation hits a different part of your pectoral muscles.
Tips For Getting The Most Out Of Your Chest Exercise
A chest workout needs to have a mix of movements and variations. You can use bodyweight, dumbbells, barbells, or machinery for a complete workout.
If you are just starting out, consider using lower weight to get your chest accustomed to lifting weights. The amount of sets and reps you should do is not written in stone. Fitness experts and professional bodybuilders all have their unique approach to how much you should lift, the sets, and rest period.
With that said, this is our approach to chest exercises. Because 4 out of 6 exercises are bodyweight movements, you should keep the sets to three with varying reps depending on the intensity and your ability. The goal should be to push to failure with bodyweight training. The more you strain, the more you grow. Hence, no pain, no gain.
If you are looking to increase strength, then go for 3 sets with 8 to 12 reps. Increase the number of reps as you finish a set. This should help increase the burn. By the end of the third set, you should be feeling a deep burn in your chest.
If you are looking to build strength, then your focus needs to be on lifting heavier weight. Keep your reps to 8 and sets to three. After finishing a set, increase the weight and continue lifting.
Your rest duration depends on how heavy you are lifting. The average rest duration between a set is 1 to 2 minutes. However, you can also rest for 3 minutes if you are lifting heavy.
Chest press or bench press, depending on your equipment, are the same movements that both work your pectoral muscles. A decline and incline variation are necessary for you to hit the top and bottom parts of your pecs.
The push-up variations are crucial for strength and endurance building while they also help to add mass. Push-up variations also help hit the top and bottom part of your pectoral muscles. The reason we do variations with the same movement is that the pectoral muscle is quite large in size. And just a standard push-up or chest press is not enough to work all of the parts of your pecs.
6 Strength And Muscle Building Chest Exercises
Let’s start this list with 2 variations of the chest press. You can either do it on a bench with a barbell or with a chest press machine. The three variations are: decline, incline, and normal.
If you don’t have access to gym equipment or machinery, you can always make your own barbell. A shower rod and two backpacks full of books or whatever weight you can gather can be turned into a makeshift barbell.
Incline Chest Press
The purpose of the incline chest press is to work on your upper pectoral muscles. Start off by setting your bench at an incline of 15 to 30 degrees. The incline also exerts pressure on your shoulders as well.
So, it’s better to avoid working out your shoulders the next day as your deltoids have been sorta-kinda worked out. Also, the incline chest press works your upper part more. To ensure that your entire chest is worked out, make sure to include the decline version to balance your chest gains.
Step by step instructions:- Make sure the incline of the bench is between 15 to 30 degrees. If you exceed the 30 degrees’ incline, you’ll be working out your shoulders and not chest.
- Use a shoulder-wide grip and firmly wrap your fingers around the bar. Your palms should be facing away from you.
- Now, lift the bar up, push it straight up, and hold it with your arms locked.
- Slowly breathe in and bring the bar down. Bring it down until it is only an inch over your chest. During the downwards movement, your arms should be at a 45-degree angle and parallel to your sides not resting on your sides.
- Next, hold this position for just a minute and then push the bar back up with your arms locked.
- Repeat this movement for the number of reps you have planned in your workout routine.

Decline Chest Press
The decline version works on your lower chest. Now, shift the bench to a 15 to 30-degree decline. Decline chest press definitely helps your pecs look more defined and balanced. Just like the deltoids were worked in the incline chest press, the decline also puts pressure on your biceps, triceps, and the anterior deltoid.
Step by step instructions:- Set your bench to a 15 to 30-degree decline and lie down with your eyes directly under the barbell.
- Firmly grip the bar with your palms facing forwards. Again, use a shoulder-width grip but just slightly wider than the grip used for incline.
- Move the barbell upwards and lock your elbows.
- Now, bring the barbell down until it is barely over your middle chest.
- Pause for a minute moment and then push the bar back upwards.
- Complete the number of reps required by your workout routine

The most common exercise known to mankind. Push-ups work your pectoral muscles, biceps, triceps, and anterior deltoids. So, if you have just finished the decline chest press, these reps won’t be easy.
When doing push-ups, you are working your entire chest. This movement works your pectoralis minor and major making them strong and defined. Meaning, push-ups are an absolute necessity if you want to build a strong and brawny chest.
FYI: The difference between a push-up and a press-up is the grip. If the hands are wider than the shoulder-width grip, it is a press-up. However, doing a push-up is all about form, something not everyone gets right. Every expert will debate how form is key during push-ups because a slight variation will have you working on a different muscle group.
These rules should help achieve proper form.
Step by step instructions:- The distance between yours has to be shoulder width apart.
- Now, with this grip, get down on all fours.
- Straighten your legs, this is your resting position.
- Next, start lowering your body until you are just above the floor.
- You can pause at this position for a more intense workout
- Finally, push yourself up to the resting position.
Incline Push-ups
This is another great chest exercise using only bodyweight. The incline helps you work more than just your pectoral muscles. It is a bit easier than the next variation, as the incline utilizes less bodyweight.
Step by step instructions:- Get in a push-up position but with your hands elevated on a bench.
- Ensure your body is straight and stiff, this is your resting position.
- Next, slowly lower your chest to the edge of the bench, pause and push yourself back up to the resting position.
- Repeat this movement for the desired number of reps.
Decline Push-ups
Now, this variation uses a lot more of your body weight as compared to the incline. Decline push-ups are more intense and will exert more pressure on your pectoral muscles. Hence, this variation is only for those who are already somewhat used to lifting or bodyweight training.
Step by step instructions:- Start off with your feet elevated on a bench, a box, or something similar.
- Your hands need to be placed shoulder-width apart. Ensure that your entire body is straight from head to toe, this is your resting position.
- Next, slowly lower yourself to the floor while keeping your body straight and stiff.
- Hold this position for a moment and then push yourself up to the resting position.
- Repeat for the desired number of reps

Chest Dips
This bodyweight exercise requires a dip bar or something similar. This movement works your entire chest while also putting your triceps and anterior deltoids to work. Chest dips need to be done in the proper form, otherwise, you will be working your arms and not chest.
Step by step instructions:- Firmly grip the dip bar with your hands slightly wider than your shoulders.
- Jump and hoist yourself in the air while your elbows are straight, and your arms are locked. This is the resting position.
- Next, slowly lower yourself to the floor by bending your elbows.
- Stop when your upper arms are parallel to the floor.
- Hold this position for a moment and then push yourself back up to the resting position.
- Repeat for the desired number of reps.
These 6 chest exercises will help you build strength, endurance, and muscle mass in your chest. Remember, the number of reps and sets can vary depending on your current fitness level and goals. Focus on proper form and gradually increase intensity to see the best results. Whether you are using bodyweight exercises or lifting weights, consistency and proper technique are key to achieving a well-defined and muscular chest.
Which exercise is best for a bigger chest?
The bench press, both flat and incline, is one of the most effective exercises for building a bigger chest. It targets the pectorals, helping to increase overall size and strength. Variations such as dumbbell presses, chest dips, and cable flys also add value by providing different angles to hit the chest muscles from multiple directions.
How can I increase my chest size?
To increase chest size, focus on compound exercises like the bench press, push-ups, and overhead presses. Incorporating progressive overload is key—ensure you're gradually increasing the weight or reps. Additionally, targeting your chest from various angles, including incline and decline presses, can stimulate all parts of the pectoral muscles, leading to balanced growth.
What is the fastest way to get a bigger chest?
The fastest way to build a bigger chest is through consistency and intensity. Focus on high-volume training with compound movements such as the bench press, dips, and push-ups. Make sure to follow a structured routine that incorporates progressive overload and prioritize adequate recovery between workouts to allow your muscles to grow.
What is the best chest workout for building size?
A great chest workout for building size includes a mix of heavy compound exercises like barbell bench presses, dumbbell chest presses, and weighted dips. Supplement this with flys and machine presses to hit the chest from different angles. Aim for 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps for each exercise and focus on progressively increasing the weight.