How To Reduce Bloating Fast?


It’s a Friday night! You just got home from a long day’s work. All you want to do is unwind. Your idea of unwinding is changing into your PJs, ordering a delicious, fatty, calorie-dense meal as a reward for the hard work that you did throughout the week, sitting in front of the television, and devouring every last bit of that meal.

Everything goes well! Except now you feel super bloated and gassy. You feel like you are about to give birth to a food baby. There is a feeling of discomfort in your tummy and no matter what you do, it’s not going away.

You decide to go to bed only to wake up in the morning feeling worse. This is called bloating. We all suffer from it or have suffered from it at some point in our lives and it is especially prevalent in women.

There are many causes of why one feels bloated but many people don’t really know how to tackle this problem. A lot of people take OTCs but that is just a temporary solution and often leads to even more bloating.

Causes Of Bloating

Causes-bloating Before we delve into the solution to reducing bloating fast, let’s explore the many causes of bloating.


Gas getting built up in your intestines and stomach is one of the most common reasons why one feels bloated. It is also accompanied by nausea, constipation, and/or diarrhea. It can cause mild discomfort but goes away in a few hours and in some cases a couple of days. There are certain reasons for the build of gas:

  • Foods such as dairy, carbonated beverages, beans, cabbage, cauliflower, and broccoli
  • Chewing gum
  • Indigestion
  • Chronic illnesses such as IBS or celiac disease
  • Indigestion

Indigestion, also known as dyspepsia, is when you experience pain and discomfort in your stomach due to excessive gas. This usually lasts for a brief period of time but can be a cause of nuisance on a daily basis. It doesn’t have a serious underlying issue except for the types of food consumed.


Perhaps one of the more or less serious causes of bloating is an infection in your stomach or intestines. Infections are caused by bacteria such as Helicobacter Pylori or Escherichia Coli. Sometimes stomach infections go away on their own, but in most cases, you have to consult a doctor and take medications.

Fluid Retention

Another cause of bloating is fluid retention. Some salty foods and hormone levels can cause fluid retention leading to bloating. A study suggests that right before women get their periods they experience fluid retention.

Food Intolerance

A lot of the time people don’t realize that the main culprit of bloating is certain foods that their stomach can’t digest. People with celiac disease feel bloated after consuming gluten products, whereas, those who are lactose intolerant get bloated after consuming dairy products.

Foods That Help With Bloating

The fastest way of reducing bloating is by watching what you eat. If you eat greasy food along with carbonated soda day in day out, bloating will be inevitable. However, if you are mindful about what you consume then there will be less chances of you getting bloated. Here are some foods that help with bloating fast:


reduce-bloating A study conducted by Texas A&M University concluded that mangoes are better than most high-fiber foods when it comes to combating bloating. They effectively settle gut inflammation as well as treat constipation.


Reduce-bloat Garlic is an excellent food to have when you are bloated. Many studies suggest that reduces bloating by stimulating digestion.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Reduce-bloating This is the star of the show. Apple cider vinegar especially the organic kind and the one with “mother” helps with a myriad of gut problems. Take one tablespoon of ACV with 12 ounces of water and watch the bloating disappear within minutes.

Helpful Tips To Combat Bloating

Small Bites

Consuming too much food at a time means that your gut microbes have to work extra extra hard. This amount of strain on the microbes results in bloating. In order to ease the bloating, try to consume four to five smaller meals instead of three, and take smaller bites, chewing properly before swallowing the food.

Avoid Air Swallowing

This one is a no-brainer. When eating food, chew with your mouth closed and avoid talking while eating so that excessive air doesn’t enter your system.

Chewing Gum

Chewing gum results in swallowing air. That’s why try to avoid gum, use fresh mint strips instead. Most people prefer sugar-free gum, but they don’t realize that most sugar-free gums contain sweeteners such as sorbitol, which could cause stomach issues like bloating.

Tight Fitting Clothes

Avoid tight-fitting clothes, especially around your waist. If your stomach isn’t relaxed and is restricted throughout the day, it will not do what it’s supposed to do: digest food. Wear comfortable clothes so that it is easier for the food and gas to pass.

Fibre Rich Foods

Sometimes diet without enough fiber can lead to bloating. Try to incorporate fibre-rich foods such as oatmeal, bran, avocados, celery, bananas, papayas, and so on in your diet.

Fermented Foods

Another missing link between good gut health and food consumption is a fermented food. Study suggests fermented foods include probiotics which are essential for the functioning of your gut. Due to unhealthy lifestyles and sometimes medications, there is a depletion of probiotics which leads to a lot of stomach problems like bloating. Incorporate foods such as kimchi, kombucha, kefir, and sauerkraut into your diet to reduce bloating.

Key Takeaway

Now that you are aware of the causes of bloating, we hope you will take the necessary steps to reduce the feeling of bloating. In some cases, bloating is temporary and can be dealt with by taking OTCs or going for a walk to pass gas. However, sometimes a lifestyle or dietary change is needed. Changing what you eat and how you function on a daily basis has a huge impact on your gut. For a healthy gut, a healthy lifestyle is required.