How to Get Your Best Summer Body | Katie Chung Hua

How to Get Your Best Summer Body

“No man has the right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable” Be the best you can be, not for anyone else, but for yourself. See how great you can be, be your best self.” - Socrates

Everyone wishes a leaner body. Hit the beach in the summers and get some tan. But you need to work for it. Not many know how to get the beach body for the summers. If they know, the busy schedules are a problem.

Even when the time is not a problem, finding everyday motivation is. We understand and we got you! Therefore, we asked Katie Chung Hua, to guide, motivate, and prepare a workout plan which would get you the summer body you desire. We start by asking Katie some questions to understand what is a summer body.

What is a Summer Body to you?

Katie: Summer body to me portrays confidence. Confidence in yourself and on your body. Physically a body that is lean, athletic and healthy.

Why should we strive to get one, particularly for summers?

Katie: Summers mean fewer clothes and with that means we can’t hide behind our big sweaters anymore. So everyone wants to look good in the summer, on the beach and be able to flaunt their hard work.

What can the Summer Body Workout Plan do for you?

Katie: The biggest thing a workout plan can do is give you guidance and provide a daily plan to get you to your goal.

Steps to Your Summer Body

  1. The first thing is to set a goal then create a map of how to get there. Having something to follow every day will keep you on track.
  2. Then, take a look at your nutrition, immediately cut out soda, sugars, and alcohol.
  3. With those 3 things alone you will start to see a transformation.
  4. HIIT workouts are the quickest way to put fat over steady cardio so implement that around 4x a week. (Check below)
  5. Continue to push yourself in the gym. The last 5 reps of every exercise should be a challenge.
  6. Don’t lift just to reach the rep number, use it as a baseline and push yourself.
  7. For those of you trying to lean, keep your reps around 12-15. Take before and after photos weekly.
  8. Celebrate little victories along the way. It keeps you positive and motivated to keep going.
  9. Be proud of how far you’ve come and don’t compare yourself to others.

30 Minute Cardio Circuit

1. Bench Mountain Climber
2. Bench Push Up
3. Bench V Up
4. Side Lunge
5. Plank Hip Dips
6. Ski Jump
7. Leg Lift
For instructions, download the Fitplan app and start the cardio circuit with Katie Chung Hua.

10 Nutrition Tips

  1. Counts macros over calories, when you count calories you don’t know how nutrient dense or deficient you are.
  2. Eat protein with every meal
  3. Hydrate
  4. Read the labels and cut out all processed foods and ingredients
  5. Be prepared, meal prep
  6. Add greens for fiber and other crucial nutrients
  7. Don’t skip breakfast
  8. Eat every 3-4 hours to keep the metabolism working
  9. Shop organic
  10. Find a balance and something that works for your lifestyle. If you have an unattainable diet regimen you won't stick to it.

About Katie

How to Get Your Best Summer Body | Katie Chung Hua

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