A High Carb and Low Fat Diet Can Actually Help You Burn Fat


Restrictive diets work if they are done properly. Contrary to popular belief, a high carb and low-fat diet can help you lose weight. Since the rise of keto diets, people have started to shun carbohydrates. Popular belief is that these macronutrients contribute to weight gain.

According to science, "Long-term recommendations to achieve a diet lower in total and saturated fat with increased consumption of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, and without focus on weight loss, do not cause weight gain."

This was part of the findings from The Journal of the American Medical Association on a study about a high-carb diet and weight loss. See, it is possible to lose weight when on this high carb and a low-fat diet.

It is especially possible if you are burning more calories than you are consuming. So, how does this diet fare in terms of losing weight?

If your goal is weight loss, explore the Banting Diet!

The Truth About High Carb And Low Fat Diet For Weight Loss

Here is a secret, it doesn’t matter which diet you follow as long as you are burning more calories than you are taking in. This is the golden rule of all diets. Calories are the main reason behind losing or gaining weight, not the food per se. For this particular diet to be an efficient weight-loss strategy, your foods need to be high in fiber and not refined sugars.

According to a study, a high carb low fat diet can actually improve several performance parameters, time to exhaustion post-workout, as well as body mass and fat mass reduction. A high-carb diet that has a lot of whole grains, vegetables, and fruits works well. The trick to make this work is consuming foods that have high fiber.

The best way to follow a high carb and low-fat diet is to consume just the right amounts of healthy fats. This can be found in olive oil, nuts, salmon, and sardines. You also need to start taking smaller portions. So combine high fiber whole grains with a source of protein that is low in fats. This will take longer to digest the meal and keep your insulin levels in check.

Another tip is to go for no sugar foods as these will do you no good for losing weight. The bottom line is that as long as you maintain a calorie deficit, a high carb and low-fat diet will help you lose weight.

Want to boost your fat loss? Explore the Fast Metabolism Diet!

The 3 Benefits Of High Carb And Low Fat Diet

Now that we have established that this diet can work with weight loss, let’s look at the other benefits. Carbohydrates play a crucial role in working out and performance.

1. Weight Lifting


Let’s say you are on the bandwagon that carbs are not a good addition to our diet and should be avoided. You start working out with three sets of any kind of movement.

Day 1 would be easy because you have stored glycogen that is just now being used. By the time you finish day 1, the majority of your glycogen is used up.

Day 2 comes and by the time you hit your third set, you are just exhausted. This is because your body needs to burn stored carbohydrates to produce energy that your muscles use during lifting and heavy movements. Having a high-carb diet will give you a lot of energy to burn.

Even if you're on a low-carb diet, at the very least you need superfood snacks pre-workout to have the energy to exercise. In short, this diet can actually help you tear it up in the gym with all of the extra energy you have. This can be the perfect addition to your lifestyle if you are looking to build a herculean chest or a massive back.

However, do make sure that you're dressed in proper gym wear, such as leggings, or shorts.

About to lift weights? Check out some nutritious, natural pre-workout options!

2. High-Intensity Training


This diet is actually beneficial for CrossFit training and anything that requires you use to huge amounts of energy in a short duration. If you want to go for a few rounds of boxing with a heavy bag, a 10-minute HIIT routine, treadmill running workout, battle rope slams or even parkour, this diet can help you.

Your time to exhaustion during these high-intensity bouts is higher on a high-carb diet. This is because of all the extra glycogen that is available. Your body burns this extra glycogen to fuel itself.

Learn more about weights vs. cardio to understand how you can lose weight effectively!

3. Recovery Time


Logically, it is out of the gym when your muscles get stronger. It is only when they repair, your muscles come back bulkier and powerful. Carbs help in the recovery process by increasing testosterone and insulin production.

When insulin combines with cells in the muscles, they signal the ribosomes to make more proteins. This protein is then converted into muscle tissues. If you don’t have insulin, this process doesn’t exist. So, by eating more carbohydrates and producing more insulin, you are helping your muscles rebuild stronger.

Combined with a protein smoothie post-workout or a high-protein diet in general, this process is expedited, helping you grow your gains even more effectively! Another benefit of insulin is that it prevents the breakdown of muscle when your body goes catabolic. This is a stage when your body starts burning tissues to fuel its energy requirements.

Studies also show that low-carb dies inhibit testosterone levels and increase stress hormones. Eating a good amount of high-carb healthy snacks and meals helps keep your testosterone at optimal levels. In short, not only is a high carb and low-fat diet helping you work out harder and losing weight, it is also helping you build stronger lats and powerful legs.

Make sure you do your cool down exercises and have some high-protein vegetarian recipes post-workout to help your muscles recover and grow!

The Best High Carb Low Fat Foods


Here is a list of high-performing high carb and low-fat foods. Again, this is a restrictive diet meaning you need to stay in a calorie deficit. You can practically do restrictive diets with anything, even potatoes.

This diet works well when you avoid refined carbohydrates and combine them with proteins that are low in fat.

1. Quinoa


This is an extremely popular food among health experts. Even though it is a seed, you eat it like a cereal.

Quinoa is rich in minerals and studies have shown that improves blood sugar. When cooked, it is 21.3% carbs, making this cereal a high-carb food.

For weight loss, try these 5 salads under 500 calories!

2. Oats


These are another famous whole-grain food praised for their nutritional value. Uncooked oats contain 66% carbs, that is a whole lot of healthy carbs, imagine the surges of energy on this.

Oats themselves are very filling and can help you feel full with smaller servings.

Try these 5 healthy baked oats recipes so you never get bored for this wholefood!

3. Buckwheat


Another cereal that contains a lot of carbs. Researches estimate that cooked buckwheat contains 20% of carbs. It has a lot of fiber, proteins, and antioxidants making it an important addition to your diet plan.

If you can't stick to a strict diet, then explore the Flexitarian Diet - made for people who want flexibility in their dietary patterns!

4. Bananas


A personal favorite one on this list of high-carb and low-fat foods. They contain about 23% of carbs along with a lot of potassium, vitamins B6 and C. They also have pectin and starches with boost digestive health and gut bacteria.

Struggling with digestive health? Try these 5 gut health hacks to feel better!

5. Sweet Potatoes


Containing around 20% carbs which are mostly sugars, starch, and fiber, this veggie is a natural superfood! They also are packed with vitamins and potassium.

Can't spend so much time cooking in the kitchen? Meal prep these overnight oats instead!

6. Beetroots


This purple vegetable contains around 9% carbs. They come with vitamins, minerals, nitrates which help control blood pressure and even reduce bloating.

Try these 3 recipes to overcome bloating!

7. Oranges


The world’s favorite natural snack, oranges contain 12% carbs. They are also a good source of fiber, vitamin C, potassium, and antioxidants. Oranges are a tasty addition to high carb and low-fat foods, a snack that you wouldn’t mind eating on a diet.

Try these 5 foods that fight inflammation to stay healthy and active!

8. Blueberries


Considered a superfood due to the staggering amount of antioxidants they have, these berries are delicious and the perfect fruit to snack on. They are around 15% carbs and come loaded with vitamins and minerals.

If you've got a sweet tooth, try these 4 low fat desserts at home!

The majority of the high carb and low-fat foods are vegetables, whole wheat, grains, and oats. You have to pair them with a protein that doesn’t unbalance that fat count. Remember these diets only work when you are consuming less calories than you are burning.

Key Takeaways

Despite popular belief, high carb and low-fat diet can help you lose weight. This diet won’t interfere with your energy levels or mess up the balance of your body chemistry.

A diet like this can help you with high-intensity workouts and even get in shape at home. Restrictive diets and workouts go hand in hand when losing weight.

Despite another popular belief, you don’t need equipment or a gym to start burning fat. You can do it from the comfort of your home. The more you know about how your body works, the easier it is to take control of it.


How does a high carb low fat diet work?

When you're following a high carb low fat diet, your body is relying on carbs as the primary source of energy for it. On this diet, you're consuming vegetables, fruits and whole grains - foods that are high in good carbs and low in fats, with a specific focus on minimal fat intake. This leads to weight loss because with limited fat and more fiber in your diet, you're able to feel satiated for a longer period of time. This means you don't need to eat over and over again since you don't really feel hungry. With lower fat intake, your body isn't really storing excess fats either. As a result, this diet can actually improve your overall energy levels and regulate your insulin levels as well.

Is a high carb diet better for weight loss or a high fat diet?

When your goal is fat loss, you can go for both - high carb or high fat diets. The key here is to maintain a calorie deficit in order to lose fat and ultimately, your weight as well. However, if you want a diet that is sustainable and can be followed in the long-run, then you need to make sure you follow a high carb high protein low fat diet so you'll have enough energy for your HIIT or endurance training through carbs and enough protein to build lean muscle. Just make sure you adopt an eating habit that helps you achieve your long-term fitness goals without compromising your health.

What are the benefits of a high carb diet?

There are several benefits of a high carb diet, especially one that's loaded in fruits and veggies, such as:

  • Better energy levels, which is important for your physical activities and workouts
  • A well-functioning digestive system due to high-fiber consumption from veggies, whole grains and fruit
  • Possible weight loss depending on whether you maintain a caloric deficit or burn calories through workouts, especially because you'll feel full for longer periods of time as well
  • Encourages heart health by regulating your cholesterol levels
Is a high carb low fat diet better than a high fat diet?

It is important to understand that you can't label any diet as better or 'worse' because it oversimplifies the science behind nutrition. Both the macronutrients play a huge role in your diet. However, problems occur when you're consuming refined carbs and unhealthy fats i.e. trans and saturated fats in excess. You need to have a balanced approach, focusing on whole foods and good sources of the macronutrients. The results you get from your diet depend on your individual health goals, your health condition, metabolic health, fitness level and experience, and personal preference. While some may experience great results from a low fat high carb diet, others may find a high fat diet such as keto to work better for them.