10 Calf Exercises to Build Vigorous Legs Quickly


Embarrassed to wear shorts because your lower body isn't as bulky as the rest of your body? Worry not, these calf exercises will help you build mass in this stubborn muscle group. Many gym goers blame genetics for not having beefy calves. However, that is not always the case.

These calf exercises will help you target the two muscles that form your calf. The gastrocnemius muscle, the muscle responsible for giving your calf the rounded shape. And the soleus, the muscle underneath the gastrocnemius that gives strength to your calf.

Not only do powerful calves symbolize peak fitness, they also provide a few health benefits. Healthy calves are linked to having a low amount of plaque in your arteries, stronger skeletal muscle, and an optimal resting heart rate.

In fact, according to a study, training calves at the gym or at home helps you gain explosive strength and power in your leg muscles, aiding mobility and structural balance. Without further ado, let’s dive into this powerful calf workout for thicker legs.

Build lower body strength and gain mass with this powerful leg workout!

A Focused Calf Exercises Workout To Build Legs Quickly

You don’t need to incorporate all 10 movements into a single circuit. You should start off with any 5 of these calf exercises and pair them up with lunges or hip thrusts. Your goal should be 3 sets with 12 to 15 reps, increasing the reps as your legs become stronger to further your gains.


1. Jumping Jacks

Reps: 12 to 15 Sets: 3 Rest: 45 seconds between each set

  • You can do this movement as an appetizer before starting out your workout or just have this as one of your five movements.
  • Start by keeping your feet together and your arms resting at your sides.
  • Now, jump and simultaneously spread your legs to at least shoulder width apart.
  • While doing this, bring your hands together and clap above your head.
  • This movement should be done while you jump, return back to your starting position and repeat.

For a deeper understanding, learn how to do jumping jacks correctly.

2. Standing Barbell Calf Raise

Reps: 12 to 15 Sets: 3 Rest: 45 seconds between each set

  • Stand upright with the barbell resting on your upper back.
  • Now, raise your heels and put pressure on your calves by contracting them.
  • Finally, return to the original position, this is one rep.

Want a comprehensive leg routine? Add these 10 quad exercises to your plan!

3. Seated Dumbbell Calf Raise

Reps: 12 to 15 Sets: 3 Rest: 45 seconds between each set

  • You’ll need a step for this movement.
  • You can use a weight plate as a step.
  • Place your toes on top of the weight plate in a seated position.
  • Rest a dumbbell on your knee to add weight to your calf.
  • Now, raise your toes as high as you can without moving your foot.
  • Then, hold that position, you should feel a burn in your calf.
  • Relax your toes slowly and return to the original position.

Incorporate these 6 hamstring exercises to your routine for a full-blown leg workout!

4. Walk On Tiptoes With Dumbbells

Reps: Walk for 20 to 30 seconds Sets: 3 Rest: 45 seconds between each set


Source: Skimble

  • Often called a Farmer’s walk, this movement is quite simple.
  • Hold a pair of dumbbells and start walking on your toes.
  • The trick is to take short steps to maintain balance and pressure on your calves.
  • Start off by using lighter weights to manage posture.

Fond of free weights? Try this dumbbell leg workout!

5. Box Jumps

Reps: 12 to 15 Sets: 3 Rest: 45 seconds between each set

  • For this movement, you’ll need a sturdy box, tall enough that it is challenging but doable without falling over every other rep.
  • Start by standing 6 inches away from the box. Now, get into half a squat position and then thrust into a jump on top of the box.
  • Don’t overwhelm yourself by using a tall box, it’s not fun falling over and hurting your ego in front of the entire gym, pace yourself.

If you're at an advanced level of your fitness journey, try this 30-minute leg workout!

6. Seated Calf Raise With Toes Facing In

Reps: 12 to 15 Sets: 3 Rest: 45 seconds between each set


Source: Skimble

  • You already did this calf exercise above, however, this is another variation.
  • Sit back down with your toes on a weight plate or a small step/box.
  • Now, bend your knees inwards and your toes inward by 15 degrees.
  • Relax your leg muscles, let your heels droop to the floor.
  • Now, drive your legs upward using just your calves.
  • Remember, the dumbbell needs to be on your knees to add extra weight to this movement.

Ladies, build your lower body with this 20-minute leg and booty workout!

7. Seal Jumps

Reps: 12 to 15 Sets: 3 Rest: 45 seconds between each set

  • To do this, get into the same starting position as the jumping jack position.
  • When you jump, don’t bring your hands overhead for a clap.
  • Instead, move your arms out to the side and clap them in front of you.

Don't have gym access? Try these 5 leg exercises at home!

8. Seated Band Pushes

Reps: 12 to 15 Sets: 3 Rest: 45 seconds between each set


Source: Ace Fitness

  • Sit down on the ground with your legs spread straight out.
  • Loop the resistance band around your feet, just over the ball of the heel.
  • Make sure you keep the resistance band tight.
  • Finally, bend your ankle and push against the band exerting pressure on your calves.

Sculpting your lower body at home? Try these 5 resistance band leg exercises!

9. Agility Ladder

Reps: 12 to 15 steps Sets: 3 Rest: 45 seconds between each set

  • For this movement, channel the inner footballer and let’s start.
  • Run on your toes and place your toes in each step while rotating feet.
  • Cover all of the steps for it to count as one set.

Try this easy lower body band workout at home!

10. Single-leg Calf Raise

Reps: 12 to 15 Sets: 3 Rest: 45 seconds between each set

  • This one is done by focusing on one calf at one time rather than using both.
  • Using a weight plate, a step or a small box - stand with your toes on the elevated structure.
  • Make sure your heel is not resting on the structure.
  • Now, put pressure on the ball of your foot and move your body upward.
  • This will really burn your calf as it is lifting your entire body without the support of the other leg.

Want that peach? Try these 5 bubble butt exercises for some serious booty gains!

Key Takeaways From This List Of Calf Exercises

Let us not blame our genetics for having skinny legs. Just like every other muscle group in our body, with the proper workout regime, you can bulk up anything. These calf exercises can help you build gaudy looking legs. You can either incorporate these calf exercises in your full body workout routine or just do focused calf workouts.

This list of 10 movements should not all be done in one circuit unless you don’t feel like walking for the next couple of days. Mix and match any 5 along with squats or deadlifts for a complete calf workout. Remember to start off with fewer reps until you build enough strength to start lifting more.