7 Reasons Why You Should Eat Eggs Every Day

7 Reasons Why You Should Eat Eggs Every Day


You'll discover the benefits of eating eggs everyday such as:

  1. Perfect Breakfast Option: They're versatile so you can prep them anyway you like!
  2. Weight Loss Tool: Low in calories and rich in protein, they keep you full for longer hours while maintaining a calorie deficit.
  3. Easy To Make: Just boil them and eat on-the-go.
  4. Build Strength and Muscle: They're a great source of protein, necessary for muscle repair and growth.
  5. Improve Eyesight: They contain lutein and zeaxanthin, boosting your overall eye health.
  6. Improve Memory: Thanks to the choline in eggs, your brain performance and memory retention improves.
  7. Cheap and Nutritious: Easy to find, budget-friendly and full of amino acids, vitamins and minerals.

Easily one of the most nutrient-dense foods to exist, eggs are high in protein and often known as 'superfoods'. They're accessible, low in calories, fulfilling and easy to incorporate in several different meals. This makes them one of the most go-to options for breakfast, snacks and even lunch salads.

Specific to muscle building, eggs have a superb calories-to-protein ratio, which means with lesser calories you get higher levels of protein. For people trying to build a lean physique, this is one of the best things to eat out there!

When I started my own fitness journey, I started with eggs as my main source of protein so I could build lean muscle and burn fat. I'd chop some boiled eggs in my cooked noodles or sandwich to increase the protein ratio - and it'd truly keep me satiated for hours. Explore the major benefits of eating eggs everyday in this guide!

Build lean muscle with a protein-rich diet such as the Ideal Protein Diet!

7 Reasons Why You Should Eat Eggs Every Day

1. They're The Perfect Breakfast Option

For breakfast, experts say you should intake enough proteins. Two eggs - scrambled, boiled or poached will give you at least 20 grams of protein. Most of which is high biological value protein and can readily be consumed in the body for energy. It will give you almost 25% more proteins than any other popular breakfast options. Relatively, you can find the same amount of proteins in a lean lamb chop.

Try these 7 healthy breakfast ideas if you're tired of eating the same thing every day!

2. They Promote Weight Loss

If you are trying to lose weight and do not eat eggs every day, this is the exact guide you need in your life! Eggs are one of the best foods for weight loss diet. The beautiful thing about eating eggs in the morning is that it fills you up with lower calories. It keeps you feeling satiated for a longer period of time and ultimately, you don’t binge on junk.

Try these 10 superfood snacks for guilt-free munching!

3. They're Quick & Easy To Make

Boiled, scrambled, or poached? Well if you usually don’t have enough time to prepare breakfast, you should definitely go for boiled eggs. Just boil them a night before. Eat one in the morning and tuck one on the bag later for the afternoon, if you’d like. If you've got some time, you can add a drizzle of mayo, some seasonings and mash up the boiled eggs for a delicious sandwich filling. Or, just add some hot sauce on one and eat on-the-go. The thing is - you can enjoy them the way you want to. They are easy to prepare, carry, and eat later any time in the day.

If you're super busy, try these healthy on-the-go snack options!

4. Get Stronger and Muscular

Eggs are an excellent source of proteins and amino acids which help build you build a stable body structure. They're one of those rare superfoods to have a complete protein solution with the best nutrient composition of all the nine essential amino acids. They also contain several vitamins and minerals such as Vitamin A, B12, D, E, folate, choline, and others.

Increase your protein consumption with these 4 high-protein vegetarian recipes!

5. Improve Your Eyesight

Two unique anti-oxidants - lutein and zeaxanthin, can help you improve your vision. Both are found in eggs, which makes them not just a great source of protein, but also a way to reverse declining vision. Research has found they protect against the damage from UV rays. Moreover, in the long run, it is more likely to reduce the risk of cataracts in the old age.

If you're all about having an organic, nutritious diet, then check out the 23 Paleo breakfast recipes!

6. Become Smarter and Improve Your Memory

According to a study, choline found in eggs helps in the development of the brain and function. In addition, it aids in nervous system functioning, muscle strength and coordination, and mood management. What's more is that the choline found in eggs is absorbed 4 times better by your body than choline from any other food source. Since eggs give you a higher memory power, you're able to maintain higher productivity levels and stay alert for the extended hours. Resolve your mid-day crashes by having at least a couple of eggs in the breakfast.

Get your productivity level up by incorporating some exercises and meditation into your fitness routine!

7. Cheapest Nutrient-Dense Food

Eggs are still one of the cheapest protein sources available, easy to get and easy to prep in several ways. They go well with several other foods for a complete meal and are great as a stand-alone snack or breakfast option too. The yolk contains all the nutrients such as omega-3 and other good fats, and the white part contains all the proteins. This makes eggs one of the best thing to add to your diet!

Try these 5 protein smoothies to increase your protein intake!

Quick Egg Tips

  1. You can boil eggs in the morning or the night before. Keep them in the bag or a lunch box and eat them whenever you feel hungry during the day.
  2. You can also have boiled eggs with any salad for a source of protein if the meat is not available.
  3. Ideally, you should eat two eggs every day. You can eat more but it is better to eat in the breakfast only so that you don’t get sick of it.


Why are eggs good for you?

If there's a superfood that can bring tremendous changes to your body, it's eggs. Eggs offer several amazing benefits. They're rich in protein, which is essential for muscle repair and growth. They're also nutrient-dense, loaded with choline, lutein and zeaxanthin, and other essential nutrients, that improve your memory, brain function, vision and more. They also carry antioxidants that lower risks of heart diseases or inflammation, making them a healthy choice of breakfast, lunch, snack and even dinners!

Is eating eggs every day bad?

No, for an average healthy person, eating eggs every day is not bad. Known as one of the best protein sources, eggs are packed with amino acids, vitamins and minerals that boost your body's physical and athletic abilities. In addition, they also satiate you, making you full for a longer period of time, which curbs unnecessary snacking as well. This is great for people trying to build lean muscle or lose weight. However, it is best to avoid overeating them and going for a balanced diet, containing carbs and fats as well.

Do eggs cause high cholesterol?

While studies reveal that eggs contain cholesterol, eating one egg a day won't really create a cholesterol imbalance in your body. In fact, irregular cholesterol levels don't just occur because of eggs, rather, they're a result of lifestyle choices, poor dietary habits, genes and even hereditary illnesses. With regards to eggs, they contain nutrients such as omega-3 fatty acids that balance out the impact of cholesterol. Consuming eggs in moderation does not lead to cholesterol imbalance, especially if you're a physically active person.

Which is better: egg whites or whole eggs?

There is no comparison between the two since they both have their own benefits. Egg whites are low in calories and packed with protein. So, if you're on a low fat diet while trying to build muscle, you should incorporate more egg whites into your diet plan. The yolk in the eggs is higher in calories, contains healthy fats, essential amino acids and vitamins and minerals such as vitamins B12, D, iron, and zinc. It is also where the cholesterol and fats are, so if you're already suffering from irregular cholesterol levels, it's best to avoid the yolk. It truly depends on your health, fitness goals and nutritional requirements to decide which part of the egg is healthier for you.