HIIT Running Workout | Treadmill and Outdoors | Sophie Hollingdale

HIIT Running Workout

HIIT hard or go home..

If you want maximum results in the shortest time, then you should do HIIT Running. HIIT Running will strengthen you, build endurance, and burn fat faster than any other workout. We worked with Sophie Hollingdale to derive a HIIT Running workout plan; HIIT & Run, for individuals who are looking to burn fat, get toned, and build strength. You will learn everything about HIIT Running and why HIIT & Run is more efficient than other HIIT Running workout plans.

What is HIIT Running?

HIIT Running involves short bursts of running on higher intensity combined with shorter periods of recovery. Sprinters and athletes perform HIIT Running to train for speed, strength, and power. HIIT Running is an anaerobic exercise which relies on other sources for energy such as sugar (glycogen) and does not require oxygen to contract muscles. Any high-intensity training helps you burn calories faster compared to lighter intensity training (aerobic).

Benefits of HIIT Running

You will find drastic changes to your fitness and health once you start doing HIIT Running. High-Intensity workouts are great for speed, strength, and power, but there are several other benefits of HIIT Running which not many seem to know.

HIIT is a brilliant way for any athlete to burn fat and build muscle mass. - Sophie

1. Lean Muscle Mass

If you don’t lift weights, then you may be able to maintain your muscle mass with HIIT, or in some cases, even build lean muscle mass. HIIT Workouts is one of the rare types which help you work on body re-composition i.e., lose fat and build muscle at the same time. If you already do weight training, you shouldn’t replace it with HIIT. Adding HIIT Running to your weight training as it will help you perform better at high intense sports.

2. Fat Burning

Losing weight and calories remains a top priority in most fitness goals. HIIT Running is an effective fat burner, but high-intensity workout requires more effort. A high-intensity workout can help you achieve the same fat loss as from traditional aerobic workouts, in a shorter amount of time. Moreover, high-intensity exercise also helps cut down visceral fat, (stored in the abdominal cavity), reducing the risk of health issues such as diabetes and heart disease.

3. Metabolic Rate

A study shows HIIT increases your metabolism rate more than any other aerobic workouts. Even hours after your high-intensity workouts, your metabolic rate remains high for burning calories This is one of the reasons why high-intensity training is so effective. A high metabolic rate is a major factor for reducing fat under the belly.

After your workout your metabolic rate will be increased for hours after, potentially up to 24 hours after the workout therefore burning calories for hours after. - Sophie

4. Oxygen Consumption

Your oxygen consumption increases with endurance training. Oxygen consumption is the ability of your muscles to consume oxygen. Although the ability to consume oxygen is beneficial for your aerobic workouts, studies show that HIIT Running improves oxygen consumption more than less-intense workouts. For instance, this study shows that five weeks of HIIT workouts for 80 minutes a week increases oxygen consumption by 9%.

5. Running Performance

HIIT Running doesn’t only improve your running speed with strength and power but also makes you a better long-distance runner. As discussed above, improved oxygen consumption enhances your long-distance running, as it is an aerobic workout, Aerobic workouts or less intense workouts use oxygen to fuel your muscle contraction. Higher oxygen consumption increases your maximum oxygen intake (VO2 max), hence, improving your running performance, whether aerobic or anaerobic.

Whilst there is a massive pulse raiser (running) element to this workout there is also a strength element which is performed at a such a pace (and of short bursts) that it keeps the heart rate high and raises body temperature. - Sophie

6. Other Health Issues

HIIT Running also has other health benefits which include lowering the risk of cardiovascular problems, normalizing blood pressure, and reduction of blood sugar level. Even as little as 20 minutes of HIIT training three times a week can significantly drop the blood pressure and heart rate among obese individuals, study shows. HIIT Running is arguably the best workout for people who are at the risk of type II diabetes. A study shows high-intensity workout will improve insulin resistance than other traditional workouts.

What is HIIT & RUN Workout?

HIIT & RUN Workout is the ultimate HIIT Running Workout plan created by Sophie Hollingdale. Sophie is a certified personal trainer and Pro Fitness model, who helps and inspires individuals achieve their fitness goals, and lead a healthier life. HIIT & RUN workout plan combines running and high-intensity workouts. The workout plan is available for some indoor and outdoor settings. The workout requires you to run at higher than moderate pace (At 60-70% of your VO2 Max). Running at that pace helps you build speed, endurance, and muscle strength. Whereas, High intense workouts assist you to build stronger muscles, build endurance, and avoid injury.

How is HIIT & RUN Workout different from other HIIT Running Workouts?

Most HIIT Running workouts only include running with recovery periods. It may result in injury, particularly for beginners. HIIT & RUN combines running with other high-intensity strength workouts which aid your running performance and avoid the risk of injury. The compound workouts will help you strengthen the weaker muscles, improve posture and form, and help you achieve your goals faster than other HIIT Running workouts.

By incorporating accessory exercises into the workout as part of the HIIT element it allows the runner to build their speed, agility, and strength as a runner within one workout. These can, and usually are, all separate elements of a sprinters program but I have combined them all together to allow the sprinter to test and build on all skills within one workout. - Sophie

Who is it for?

HIIT & RUN is ideal for ‘the runner’, the ‘weight loss’ client, the very fit or the beginner. Anyone who wants to get fit, increase their speed and agility - Sophie

Anyone who enjoys fast pace short bouts of exercise, a combination of running, bodyweight or weighted exercise. Working indoor and outdoor, with equipment or no equipment (both options available).

  • Runners
  • Athlete
  • Sports players
  • Sprinters
  • Marathon runners

Workout Plan

Any workout starts with a Warm-up. Warm-up for five minutes by mixing these workouts to engage all your body muscles.

  • Body weight squats
  • Reverse Lunge
  • Lateral shuffled alternating
  • High leg swings
  • Walkouts
  • Deep lunge stretch - open up body towards leg

Indoor Workout

You can perform the indoor workout at any gym. All the following equipment are mostly available at any gym.


  • Treadmill & floor work
  • One dumbbell (normal weight according to your preference)
  • One Med ball

4 Workouts Complete One Round

  • 6 rounds of all 4 exercises
  • 30 second (max) rest between each exercise
  • 1 min rest between every round.

1. 30-second max speed sprint on the treadmill.

Tip: Incline 2, test speed before you work, to get an idea of your max speed. Ideally, leave the treadmill running when jumping on and off it to keep the workout flowing.

2. Unilateral work (ideal for ‘the runner’) - reverse lunge into a knee-high skip x 2 and switch to the other leg. Repeat for 30 seconds.

Tip: As you lunge make sure to keep the core tight to help eliminate any wobbling. As you come through with the high knee, use the arms to power you up and push off the opposite toe, aim for as much speed and power behind the high knee jump.

3. Single arm dumbbell power clean and press. Switch each side every rep. Repeat for 30 seconds.

Tip: Start in a low position, knees bent with hips high, Keep the back straight. Bring the dumbbell up keeping it close to your body and quickly snap your elbow underneath to prepare for the press.

4. Med ball slams. Repeat for 30 seconds.

Tip: With every rep, bring that med ball as high above your head as you can to put as much force into the slam as you can. Bend your knees and keep your back straight to pick it up and repeat.

Repeat the workout 6 times.

Outdoor Workout

You can perform the outdoor workout at any park or ground. Make sure you identify your running spot before.

4 Workouts Complete One round

  • 6 rounds of all 4 exercises
  • 30 seconds max rest between each exercise
  • 1-2 mins rest between each round.

1. 100m sprint of track or area or 30 sec sprint.

Tip: When you’ve hit full speed, ensure to stay on your toes, drive the knees and arms and stay low.

2. Burpee into tuck jump. Repeat for 30 seconds.

Tip: Try and bring the floor to the chest in the burpee, relax body onto the ground and push up from there to get as much power into the tuck jump as possible.

3. Mountain climbers x10 into 1 lunge jump on each leg. Repeat for 30 seconds.

Tip: Bring the knee, forward and into the chest and alternate quickly. Try and maintain a good plan position whilst maintaining speed with the legs.

4. Out and back lateral lunge into a squat jump. Repeat on the other side. Repeat for 30 seconds.

Tip: Keep the core tight and you take that step out to the side and lunge. Use the arms to get as much power behind the squat jump as possible.

Repeat the workout 6 times.

Common Questions

1. How do I complete six rounds if I don’t have the fitness? Take it super easy. If you need to take more than one minute between each round, do so! Just try to push yourself as hard as you can, without injury or illness.

2. How often can I do the HIIT Workout Plan? It ultimately depends on your goals. However, for someone that is looking to lose weight and feel fitter, I would recommend 2-3 times a week.

3. Can you do HIIT & RUN with other workouts? Yes, you can with other workouts. You can do as many workouts as your body allows you to, but it ultimately depends on your end goal. I would recommend some weights sessions alongside this if you’re looking to build a bit more of a strong but lean physique.

If you have more questions, reach Sophie at sophiehollingdale.fit@gmail.com. Follow her on Instagram and Twitter.

HIIT Running Workout | Treadmill and Outdoors | with Sophie Hollingdale